Monday, April 27, 2020

It's my birthday.

Hi Everyone!

Well it is official. Today I have been on this earth 68 years. When you are a kid, you never think, "When I am 68 I will be doing this or that" 68 was such a far off number, but it sure did get here quickly. LOL Mr. M. bake a chocolate cake with frosting from scratch last night while I was sleeping. I haven't tasted it yet but it looks great.

  He also got me a Gotham Steel deep fry and oven pan. OMG! I now want a full set of these. Shopping is slim pickens here in my town so he did good. 
I also have some gifts coming from my kids and they should arrive today. My good friend Cathy slipped a birthday card in my mail box too. Since we can't drive up coast to our favorite (birthday) restaurant Mr. M. is going to make homemade pizza for me. I told him I would make the dough but he insisted on doing it himself. Not a bad birthday for being locked down.

Where ever you are, no matter what your governor says, stay inside. 
We are no where near over this.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Valerie-Jael said...

Happy birthday Nicole, 68 is still young, make the most of it. Enjoy your birthday cake and pizza! 🎂🎂🎂 Valerie

Hot guys said...

Awww... Happy birthday, dear Nicole! So happy that you are with all of us. Enjoy your day, girl. Mmm, that chocolate cake looks amazing! *drools* said...

Happy Birthday! The cake looks yummy. It's my 67th next month but I can't imagine my husband baking me a cake.

Crafting Queen said...

Wishing you a very happy birthday. Enjoy your cake and pizza. Hugs Anesha

Barbara said...

Happy birthday! 🎂

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Happy Birthday! Homemade pizza, delicious chocolate cake, nice gifts -- sounds like a great day to me!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Happy, happy birthday, dear Nicole. It sounds like it's going well so far. Homemade pizza and a gorgeous cake are the icing on your birthday, dear. I also have some of those copper pans, and you are going to love yours. How awesome is that.

No, my birthday was the 22nd, which is EARTH day. That's why I do 22 days of recycling each April and call it my bEARTHday. Still, I knew we were close in dates, regardless.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Could not let this post go by without wishing you a great birthday, even though it looks to be a day late. I'm just a few months older than you. Our brains are at least 40 years younger than our bods. Happy day after your birthday.
xx, Carol

Debra said...

Happy Birthday-looks like you are having a wonderful day! That pan-wow-I want one! I'm lucky our governor isn't even considering opening the state up till the 15th. I think people are getting antsy and forgetting we don't have a real solution to this yet. It scares me.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Congratulations for your birthday and how lovely your husband was to spoil you. The pan is great and I wish you a lot of fun with all the presents.
I hope you had a nice day
love greetings Elke

Gloria j Zucaro said...

Happy belated birthday to you! It sounds like a perfect celebration-pizza and chocolate cake! What a nice Mr.M. you have! Have a good week, stay safe!

Magic Love Crow said...

Happy Birthday Beautiful Soul! Yummy chocolate cake and homemade pizza too? Double yummy! LOL! Have fun with the pans! Big Hugs and Stay Safe!

Milentry said...

Great post :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3
I am following you and invite you to me

Tammie Lee said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday, so happy for you!
Your husband was so dear to make you homemade cake and pizza. Wishing you a magical year that inspires your smiles every day!

Hot guys said...

Still droolin' over that cake, oh Nicole... ^.^