Saturday, April 25, 2020

Liquitex Black Lava

Hi Everyone!

I have started this post 3 times. I try to keep my blog a happy place. I have FB to rant and rave on. It is still storming something wicked and maybe that is part of my mood.  Yesterday, I wandered my house doing little things. Sanitizing light switches and door knobs, cleaning, and looking for something to listen to on the TV.  I wanted to be in the art room but every time I walked in my brain seemed scattered. Too many ideas, too much chaos, and it was my mom's birthday. She has been gone now 6 years but because our birthdays are just days apart we always celebrated together. As I write this, for the fourth time, I now realize my mood wasn't because of lock down, or covid, 
I just missed my mom. 

OKayyyy let's get back to the happy place. In the late afternoon I was able to create some art. I actually worked on 4 different projects. The one I am showing today is another type of texture. It is Liquitex Black Lava. As with any texture there are many uses. Of course I like this because I can kind of wet carve with it on canvas. 
 This is all done with pallet knives. I love the wickedness of the trees.
Once it is dries you can leave it as is or paint, pastel, or ink in details. The ideas are endless

Close up 

Black lava is tiny flat black acrylic polymer hexagons in a clear 100% acrylic polymer gel. 
It dries to a fine ground black lava texture.

Be safe where ever you are.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


dmZapp said...

N, I’d just leave those trees in black and white, I love them!!! Sorry you are feeling blue, sometimes I still want to phone my mom, she’s been gone more years than your mom. But now at least I smile when I think of dialing her up. Take care, donna

Valerie-Jael said...

You look a lot like your mom! Love the black lava piece, looks great. Have a great day, Valerie

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Anniversary dates are hard. I was sad earlier this month when it was my late Mom's birthday too.

carol l mckenna said...

Yep ~ missing your Mom would do it ~ you are blessed to have your lovely Mom and she is 'watching over you.

wow! ~ such beautiful art creation of the trees!

Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Crafting Queen said...

Love your painting. Sorry you were having a hard day. x

LA Paylor said...

I sure appreciate you telling us about your trouble focusing. I can surely relate. It's the constant threat looming over us... all the loss points back to losses we've had over the years and it gets in the way of creating for me. Please never feel you must be only happy, it's only one emotion that makes up a very interesting, diverse, multi layered woman like yourself. I like that lava goop... your tree piece is really good! LeeAnna at not afraid of color

Barbara said...

Sad post, but you sound better now. Your mother will always be missed, she looks lovely in your photo.
Another texture piece really gets my attention. Is there no end to these products. I LOVE the trees, and isn’t it fun to go about things with palette knives. I say that on a day I have failed miserably, and I now have three paintings on the same canvas. I have no idea what I’ll try next. Maybe those glass beads!? said...

Interesting texture. Hope you have a happy birthday even though you can't celebrate with your mum.

Debra said...

Oh....I'd hug you if I could.
Thank you for another good post about Liquitex products. I do like your art created with black lava. There's so much fun stuff to try.
And thank you so much for such a sweet comment on my blog. You have no idea how much that meant to me.... :)

Elkes Lebensglück said...

ou can leave it to miss your mother after years that is normal. A wonderful photo of you and your mom!
I don't know this type yet but it looks great your picture of it!
Hugs Elke

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This is a sad and poignant post today, dear Nicole. Loss is hard at any time, but now that we are quarantined, it feels even harder and we feel more vulnerable. This is a gorgeous photo of you and your mother. I'm certain she's smiling down on you and is proud of you, too.

Another texture type paste I've never heard of before, but these trees are OUT OF THIS WORLD. This is absolutely incredible. You paint so well, and your trees of black lava prove it. It's a great way to get out of your "funk." Again, happy birthday to both you and your late mother.

DVArtist said...

Thank you Valerie, that is such a compliment, me looking like my mom.

Magic Love Crow said...

I love this photo of you and your mom! She is with you!!!! I really love this black lava! I see a crow! LOL! I love your trees! Big Hugs!