Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tuesdays Treasures

Hi Everyone!

Wow! This morning I woke up late. For me sleeping in until 8 AM is unheard of.  The only thing I can think of is that it is cold in my house and I just didn't want to get up. LOL. However, I am up now and ready to go. Here in Oregon there are lots of mushrooms that grow just about everywhere. In my yard, yesterday, I noticed several that have not grown here before. So I thought I would share them.  Mushrooms fascinate me. The fact that there are spores in outer space is pretty cool. Many years ago my mom sent me a mushroom growing kit. My mom always came up with the best and different gifts. I didn't think of it until right now but maybe this post goes to my mom. She has been gone 5 years this month. 
OK, let's look at the shrooms in my yard.

Have a great day!

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Elkes Lebensglück said...

I'm sorry about her mother and it reminds her of it . I can understand tha!!!
what great beautiful mushrooms they are, great photos!
greetings Elke

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That would make a great horror sci-fi series -- "Shrooms from Outer Space"

Rain said...

LOL at what Debra said...your mushrooms are cool I like the last one! How was the mushroom making kit? I saw a video once, people who grew mushrooms and it was very neat! 8am is unheard of for me too, but these days when it's so darn cold out, I just want to be under the blankets cuddling up with my hubby...or if not at least my hound dog lol! :)

Jennifer Rose said...

I would only be up that early if I had to go to uni lol now if I am up before noon its a miracle

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You have some incredible mushrooms in your yard, Nicole. Some are so unique I've not seen before. Truly lovely photos. What a loving tribute to your mother, too.