Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Hi Everyone!

I am so unhappy with this face today. As I mentioned yesterday I had a doctors appointment. OMG!!!! It was quite the exam, no details needed LOL. After that I  had to give blood. I am waiting for a CT scan appointment and then an internal cheek to cheek prob. So to say the least I was not myself when I drew last night. After several attempts to create something, anything, with lots of erasing I just put this on paper and added some color. I keep telling myself, "At least I got something done for 29 Faces."  YaY.  Thanks to Ayala Art for hosting. Please stop by to see what the other fabulous artists have created. 

Honor and integrity in art, in life.

1 comment:

Magic Love Crow said...

I am so sorry for what you went through at the doctors'! I think your face is really cool! Big Hugs!