Thursday, September 10, 2015


Hi Everyone!

Well I am a bonehead and most of you know that. LOL I stabbed my hand yesterday with a ceramic kitchen knife. I swear it went in to deep I thought it was coming out the other side. I was coring an apple and it just slipped. Can I say OUCH!!!! This morning my hand is very swollen but the wound looks good. No infection. I guess house cleaning will just have to be put on hold for a few days. Oh darn. hee hee hee.  At least it was my right hand. I am left handed so I will be in the art room today painting.
Wishing all of you a wonderful day. Now that I look at the photo my hand is REALLY swollen. YiKES!

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Carola Bartz said...

Ouch ouch ouch! Those ceramic knives are devils! Does it still hurt? Oh too bad that you can't do any house cleaning, that always makes the top of our list, right? Wishing you fast healing.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

OMGosh I saw this on FB but try not to comment there. I absolutely (as everyone does) hate cuts, especially caused by thin blades. I sure hope this wasn't a subconscious action due to an adversion to house cleaning, lol. Sure hope it heals nicely and quickly.
xx, Carol

motidana said...

Oh you poor dear , must have hurt like hell. Wish you a speedy recovery,