Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Hi Everyone!

I don't believe it matters where we get our inspiration, as long as we are true to our heats and our art. These paintings are created by a friend of mine and my family that lives in MT. Her work inspires me. 
Pat Lambrecht-Hould
This first piece my brother, Steve bought for me for my birthday. I love it! 

Where do you find some of your inspiration?

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful paintings, love the colours, too. I think my inspiration cmes from nature and from great artists. Hugs, Valerie

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Wonderful art. I like the way the artist uses an element of abstract. I always wonder how you can determine what REALLY inspires anyone to create their art no matter what media they work in. I think it's a combination of thought, beloved color combos and something that you may have seen that is stuck in your subconscience or a memory. So many things inspire.

Daffy's Dream said...

Wonderful paintings,the color brings the beauty to the work.