Hi Everyone!
It is more difficult than I thought it would be to find my "normal" since my mom passed away. I am trying to keep very busy with my brother taking care of my mom's affairs and my own. Thank goodness my brother and I are doing this together. Anyway I am just trying to stay light and as stress free as possible. I have managed to sell another painting and started a new one the other day. This is not quite finished but you get the idea. Miss all of you fine people and your art. I look forward to seeing what you have been up to.
Thank you to Eva and Kristen for hosting Paint Party Friday
Still on the easel in front of my abstract painted curtains LOL
Abstract in acrylics 16x20" gallery canvas
Honor and integrity
in art, in life.
Your painting is beautiful, Nicole. Congratulations on the sale.
I'm sorry to hear about your mother. It's a blessing you have your brother there to help sort through the details. Sending you hugs and good wishes!
I am so sorry for your loss. They say it takes time, but we never know how long, right?
Your painting is coming along beautifully. Love the curtains too!
Lovely painting. Good to see you around again. Valerie
Very pretty piece that has so much movement. So sorry your going though a time of loss. I'm an only child and can't imagine what life will be like when I can't pick up the phone and call my mother.
~ Karen
This looks so full of life and what a good backdrop for it too.
Nicole, I am so sorry I didn't know your mum had passed away. I've just read back through your blog now and I guess with Christmas and what not I wasn't visiting blogs as often and I hadn't heard your sad news. I sorry for your loss and I can only imagine the void that is left behind when your mum is no longer in your life - it will take time and happy memories to find your new normal.
Congratulations on selling a painting and I hope that your artwork provides a happy distraction. x
I love the colors in your abstract painting in front of the abstract curtains, Nicole. I am so sorry that you have lost your mother. Getting things in order at a time of sorrow is very hard. I just went through with that 15 months ago with my dh's death. Take it one day at a time. Do the necessary things first. Allow yourself time to grieve. It's natural, normal, and healthy. I am so glad you are painting because holding on to a bit of the old normal is very good. Congratulations on your sale.
You are an amazingly talented lady...but then I already knew that! The latest painting is awesome!
Your painting is truly wonderful. I love the colors!
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you have many happy memories. Sending you positive vibes :)
Sorry to hear about your mother...My deepest condolence!
Prayers and positive wishes to overcome the grief Nicole...Take care!
Congrats on your sale...your art will definitely help you :)
Your mom will always be there to guide you.
Lovely abstract-it reminds me of a forest of trees. It's going to take time to heal from the recent loss of your mother. Thankfully you have your brother so you can support each other. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hi Nicole. I've missed you too. Thank you for the beautiful comment on my PPF post. I think of you and the losses you have had since I've known you and you are always so strong as you are now. Sending you a prayer. Congrats on your sale! This abstract is looking really great. Take care of yourself.:) ::hugs::
Dear Nicole! I'm sorry for your loss! When your mother dies the person who brought you to this earth is gone and it is a great loss. You were lucky to have a close bond to your mother, as I could read on an earlier post. Wishing you the best to learn to live a beautiful life in future.
Hugs Ilona
Oh Nicole, I know just what you are going through as I lost my Mum three years ago. I was so thankful for having my sister and brother. Somehow it seemed easier having such brilliant support and I know they felt the same way.
Your painting looks so impressive... no wonder you have success with sales.
I hope you can continue to be strong and find solice within your family, friends and art
Hugs :)
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom! It's a good thing you don't have to carry it all alone, but that you can share the grief with your brother. Keep painting, it's a great way to deal with grief! Congrats on selling your painting! Hugs ♥
so sorry about your mom. Great you and your brother can do this together.
Lovely abstract! Congrats on the sale of the other one.
So sorry to hear about your mom. My mom is failing and so I can relate to how hard this must be for you. Keep playing with your abstracts and that will hopefully help you heal.
Your painting is looking great. Sorry for your loss. Let your art work to bring you through. Happy PPF! Jana
Nicole I was by on friday and was so sad about your mom. I felt bad that I didn't know she was gone so I went back and read all your posts...and then my computer froze and ate some comments...anyway I am back and so sorry you lost your best friend. I hope you find some solace in your creativity. I know it's a tough time , with the both the grief and logistics of someone passing is so difficult!! Sending love for healing!! Big hugs Giggles
I am sorry to hear, that you´ve loost your mother. I understand your feelings, I have gone through the same. You have only a big missing feeling, I have still and if possible more now than at the time it happened. - You have done a painting in a different style, perhaps searching new paths to go.
beautiful painting!
I experienced a tragic family loss at Christam, so I know what you're going through... take care!
Sorry to hear about your mom. I know the situation, my father passed away in September, luckily I have a brother, too.
I see coming spring, the birth of greenery in your painting, hope and serenity.
I lost my daddy (95) the end of 2011. . .the memories still pour in, and the wish I had asked that.. .but it was wonderful to have him at all for this time. The painting is beautiful. . .Blessings, Janet PPF
Congrats on the sale ;o) I love the new painting ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
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