Thursday, December 4, 2014


Hi Everyone!
I am sorry I have not been able to keep you updated on my mom or to answer your wonderful emails. Several days ago my mom took a turn for the worse. It has been an emotional....hhhmmmm let's be honest here, It has been the worst week of my life. My brothers are here now and today we are ending mom's life. Meaning we are taking her off of life support. Those words seem so unreal to me.
I have whispered in mom's ear of all the lovely things you have written to us. The words of encouragement, the prayers, the funny get well cards that mom likes so much. Thank you to every one for just being here for me and my mom. This will be the worse day.

My mom loves this painting.
I will write soon
Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Sparkle Queen said...

Dearest Nicole, I hold you and your family in my heart as you free your mom's spirit. I truly cannot even imagine going through all you are going through. Please know, if you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm but a call away. Until we speak, my heart is with you, prayers of light as your mom's soul raises to guide and protect you to infinity! I love you sweet friend! xoxoxo, Dawn

Anonymous said...

1st time reading your Blog and I am praying for your Mom as she travels to eternal life. I went thru this with my Mom two years ago and even at 95 it was the worst week of my life. Be glad that you can be with her. You will have many memories that will bring tears and laughter. Rejoice in her life. God be with you.

Marcia L. Balonis said...

It is sad. I'm sure many reading your blog today remember with sorrow the passing of a dear family member. I can't say it goes away or gets a lot easier but it does get some better. I feel your pain and hope you can find solace in happy memories.

Kokopelli said...

Oh no, what a sad sad day, my friend! I don't know what to say. My heart is breaking.

Annette G said...

Am so sorry Nicole, know what you are going through, big hugs, Annette x

juli said...

Oh my sweet friend I am so sorry. Holding you close in my heart and praying for you all. Much love.

GlorV1 said...

Sending you lots of prayers and love Nicole. I've so appreciated all you have told us about your dear Mom. May she rest in peace and be there for you in this very hard time in life. ::hugs::prayers::

Liz said...

Words just fall flat at a time like this. You are an amazing daughter. Your mother will live on through your memories. You were blessed to have each other.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Dear Nicole
I remember this day in my life. I can tell you, at some day in the future, you will be grateful to have had the time to say goodbye and to have been able to tell her everything you wanted her to know. Being able to do that is a start to healing your heart. I didn't have that opportunity when my father passed so I know.

Much love to you and your family.
xx, Carol

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Nicole, my heart is breaking for you. I cannot begin to imagine how hard this decision was for you and your brothers to make. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Marlene Brady said...

I'm so sorry Nicole. You and your brothers are in my prayers.

Magic Love Crow said...

Nicole, your mom had great taste in art ;o)
My friend, I wish mom and I could do something for you!
Sending you a BIG HUG!!!

Kim said...

I am so sorry Nicole. You are in my thoughts and I am sending lots of love and light your way. Blessed Be.