Hi Everyone!
It is cold here. At my mom's the weather is nice and hot and wonderful!!!! Because it is cold and wet here today I am roasting a turkey. That just sounds so good to me. LOL
Part two of my monthly visit to mom's was scraping and painting her deck. My brother Tom came down from Alaska last month and power washed the deck. Well you can't leave the wood exposed so it was up to me to finish it. Did it kill me???? Ohhhh yes. I got it done though. No, there was no one to hire to finish the job. LOL are you kidding me??
Taking care of my home, my mom and her home, and trying to stay healthy is really becoming a hardship. Geeessss..... So here is the deck. I still have some trim work to do but I did what I could.
At least when it comes time for my mom to pass over to the other side I won't have any regrets.
Wishing all of you a very nice day
Honor and integrity
in art, in life.
Nicole, When your mom pass over the bridge she will do so with a full heart having had a daughter who went above and beyond what was required of her and gave her more. You are a wonderful daughter. Blessings on your health.
By the way Bingo on Monday the 16th? I think John wants to come too.
My feelings exactly as per the above comment. Take care good daughter.
Looks like you have been working very hard! Did you say roast turkey? Ah, wish you lived nearer! Hugs, Valerie
Your mom is so lucky to have you. You're so caring and wonderful. You did an amazing job on the deck, I hope you feel okay after such hard work!
Great work, Nicole! But take care of yourself.
Beautiful job! It looks so nice. Everything is getting taking care…the house is clean, the motor home is gone, the yard looks nice and now the house/deck is done. And mom as happy and memories made. You have done well. Please try to take care of yourself. Easier said than done, I know, but try.
Her house and deck look beautiful and well cared for! Roast turkey on a cold, damp day---perfect!
Nicole, you are a good daughter! Your mom's deck looks great! I will be right over for roast turkey! Yummy ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
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