Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Hi Everyone!

Trying to take it easy today.  I attempted some house cleaning and... well ... that is NOT what I am suppose to be doing after gallbladder surgery. LOL
So I got my reading list up today. SHOCKER! it rarely comes up for me. However, as I am commenting I notice that word verification has changed and I CAN NOT see the words. The black splotch with white letters or visa versa just doesn't work for my eye balls.
OK so I only have one eye ball necklace.
I don't have a problem with this type

And this is perfect for me
But this???? REALLY Blogger???
I have not found if you can choose which type of word verification or if blogger just puts what they want. However, I am going to try again taking MY word verification off and hope the nasty, vulgar spam stays away.

Honor and Integrity in Life in Art


Craftymoose Crafts said...

I have no idea if you can choose since I don't use it--I guess my blog isn't popular enough to garner a lot of spam, HA HA!

Loris Glassworks said...

Personally, I wish word verification was not used at all. I have a very hard time reading most of the words and sometimes get frustrated. I give up without leaving the comment in most cases. I use the aproval method on my blog. Nothing gets posted until I approve it. I just delete the spam messages - I'm only getting a few of those each month.

Kokopelli said...

I always use the refresh button when I see something like that. And I don't like those eyeballs! Uuuuuuuugly!

Dede said...

Thank you Nicole for taking it off! That's what I was explaining in that blog post. It seems like it takes me forever to get them right. So that's when I decided that if after two tries it didn't work, I was moving on. LOL Nicole, that eyeball is down right creepy, it looks to real for me. Something told me you were over doing it! I wouldn't know from experience though. LOL Some day I will tell you about getting busted by my nurse, felt like a little kid.

Sending healing energy your way!


peggy aplSEEDS said...

i KNOW what you mean about those words in word verification. seems like only those who ARE robots can read them! i don't use word verification and so far, only very very few get through and its easy to delete them.

horimarika said...

You are a great writer. I like Your necklace... cool....
Kisses form Hungary

Magic Love Crow said...

I don't use word verification. If someone spams me, I just delete the message. Your eye ball necklace is so cool!!!

Sparkle Queen said...

The word verification is horrid... and if you try to listen to it instead, that's even worse. Sorry your weather is so bad... we can share the weather blahs because it turned Spring this week and we still have half a foot of snow on the ground AND the windchill for the past two days was a -5 when I woke up. They say spring is on the way, but I really think the groundhog guy is just a fraud. :)

Hoping the sea and river stay put and the sunshine comes out for you!