Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hi Everyone!
I am having one of those days. You know, the kind of day where you have tons of things to do but nothing is falling into place. I have kits to assemble, however, I have no bags. They are ordered. I have a gourd project to work on for my friends book, however, the battery on my camera is dead. I have it charging. I have some carving to do for an order, however, I need to do it outside and it is WAYYYY to cold today. I also have some clay work to finish, however... however... however.... It is just one of those however days.
Bead with Honor and Integrity


Lori said...

Do you want to come over to my house and Play? LOL!!
Sounds like a good day for NAP TIME!!!!!

Linda Ledbetter said...

I have weeks like that!!!

Sounds like someone's trying to tell you to kick back, relax and enjoy a hot bubble bath. Just sayin.... ;-)


Hot Rocks said...

I hear ya...I have a a bracelet to finish... but ran out of silver wire. I have muffins to bake...but have to go get the eggs! Have a good week!