Sunday, November 2, 2008


I have to say I had so much fun for Halloween. It was the first time in 20 years that we lived in an area where kids came knocking on the door. I am also happy to say that I live in an area where kids still go door to door dressed up and having a fun night. Parents tagged along and seemed to be having a good time as well. Me with Homer the Crow getting ready to give out the candy.
Bead with Honor and Integrity

1 comment:

hyperboLEE said...

Me too, Nicole! In New York City, where I'm from, very few kids go door to door anymore. They usually have parties in school.

Now I live in a much smaller city, kinda in the burbs, where they have a Halloween parade and kids still ring the bell in costume. I felt bad, though -- I didn't even bother to buy candy because in NYC, no one ever came to the door - LOL!
