Thursday, March 6, 2025

Friday Face OFF Bugs


 Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of the
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
It's my daughter's birthday today. She is 53. OMG!

It's been a long week. Trips to Eugene for, of course, the doctor. Mr. M. has some blood work and a CT scan for his 6 month cancer check up. Everything looks good there so far. As for the kidney doctor, I am NOT at all happy. Long story, but the short of it is Mr. M's remaining kidney is now at stage 4 CKD. I am so upset and I made sure the doctor knew it. I have asked for a renal dietitian that should have been appointed to us 6 months ago. However this has fallen of deaf ears. I am trying to do the diet on my own. It is very difficult. Every site has conflicting information. Wish us luck.
Now for FFO
Since I'm talking about Mr. M., I'm wondering if I ever told you he does a bit of art work. He likes to draw strange bugs. He dose most of these are 4x5" card stock.



 Sorry about the shadows. This is a larger piece framed behind glass.







I just don't want to find any of these in my garden. LOL
This is not my kitchen but I do have these kitchen towels.
Skull Kitchen - Etsy
How it's time for some features. 
Don't forget to link up with Gillena
That's it for me, now it's time to show me your face.


Tom said...

...the medical system can work well or poorly, I'm sorry to hear about your problems.

roentare said...

Your daughter looks young for her age!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm so sorry to hear that news about Mr M's kidney! I hope you get that renal dietician soon as well as all the medical treatment possible! Mr M must be kept well so he can design and draw more of those fabulously creative bugs!

And Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter. You have such a good looking family!

Gene Black said...

Your daughter looks younger than 53. Do you ever draw from pictures of her?
Mr M does quite well with his bugs. I particularly like the one in the top hat. I imagine you do also, as it is behind glass.

Rita said...

I hope they can do right by Mr. M.
Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter!
Seeing what he likes to draw and what you like--you two are quite a perfect match! :) :)

Christine said...

Lovely art by Mr M sorry to hear about his kidney.

Iris Flavia said...

Happy happy Birthday to your daughter! To a fun day and a happy new year in her life.
Cool bugs but oh. So sorry and scary to learn about Mr.M´s kidney. I very much hope you at least find fitting infos for the diet, a forum or such. Sad the doctors leave you alone with this! Sadly sounds very familiar. Best wishes from here, from my heart. Maybe heart goes to kidney. Try to think positive...

Rostrose said...

Dear Nicole, you and Mr. M have had another exhausting week - of course I'm keeping my fingers crossed that things will get better for you in terms of medical care and diet!!!

I didn't know that Mr. M. is also an artist - his bugs and birds look very interesting - well done!

Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter! I hope you have time to celebrate. (My daughter's birthday is also in March.)

All the best from Austria, Traude

sirkkis said...

Beautiful daughter, and your husband's drawings look good.
Sorry to hear bad news of your husband, hopping better ...
Have a relaxing weekend ahead 😘

My name is Erika. said...

I can feel your pain when it comes to kidney health. I remember that diet when my husband needed it. It is difficult. And that's too bad about his other kidney. But I like hos bugs. They're fun. Thanks for featuring my photo. hugs-Erika

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Your husband’s artwork is delightful. I hope that he is a candidate for a kidney transplant.

NatureFootstep said...

I too like bees and bugs and this is the time or year when they awaken. :) And, I love your towels, They are beautiful.

Mia said...

Happy Birthday to your BEAUTIFUL daughter!!!!

Jeanie said...

I love that Mr. M. is an artist too! And I very much love his work, but so sorry to hear about the issues with the kidney doc. That has to be hard -- coming up with your own version of the renal diet. Internet searches can be so confusing. Are you in an area with a university that has a medical or nursing school or a nutrition degree? It might be worthwhile if you are close to approach someone in one of those departments for help and reference. They might at least be able to steer you into reliable sources or even have someone who could help free or for a nominal charge.

Valerie-Jael said...

How lovely to see your gorgeous daughter, happy birthday to her! Love the bugs from your husband, really fantastic. But not in the house or garden! Hugs, Valerie

carol l mckenna said...

Happy Birthday to yoinsecur beautiful daughter ~ lots of healing energy to you and hubby ~ his insect art work is awesome ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Fundy Blue said...

My heart goes out to you and Mr. M. because of your ongoing ordeal. Thank you for sharing his insect drawings. They're great! Your daughter is beautiful. Happy belated birthday to her! Hugs to you!

Cloudia said...

Happy Birthday, Beautiful!

Gillena Cox said...

Happy Friday Nicole
Thanks for dropping by AFFF


Gillena Cox said...

Happy Friday Nicole
Thanks for dropping by AFFF


Lowcarb team member said...

Happy birthday wishes to your daughter.
I like your husbands art.
Sorry to read about his Stage 4 CKD. I hope you will soon have an appointment with a renal dietitian. Thinking of you ...

All the best Jan