Thursday, July 11, 2024

Friday Face OFF and update


 Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of you 
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
I am overwhelmed by all of the love, concern and prayers for Mr. M. It is a long flippen road with the medical we have here. The one doctor that keeps in touch with us is the Nephrologist. I wish he was the surgeon. We know that Mr. M's. right kidney is dead and the tumor is in the uterer. However, the blood labs may indicate the left kidney is not preforming as it should. We are waiting for the insurance to OK another test. For you medical people out there it is a Lasic Profusion Scan. After that the surgery will take place. We know the right kidney and uterer will be removed, the scan will tell us if the left will be removed as well. But let's not jump to conclusions. I will let you know after the test. I'm a very strong person, have been all of my life but today after speaking with the doctor, I broke down. I can't do that. I have to be calm so lupus doesn't take over. Please continue to pray for us.

On with Friday Face OFF
I did draw and I am Ok with this face.

I also did some AI  
I love these faces 





Now for the features 
That's it for me. 
Now it's time to show me your face.


carol l mckenna said...

Lots of healing energy hugs to the both of you ~ hugs,

Beautiful portrait sketches ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Gene Black said...

I am glad the Nephrologist is keeping in touch with you. The Lasix Profusion Scan will show how well the kidney is working and if there are blockages in the kidney.
I know that it is difficult to do, but hope for the best right now, and try to control those wild feelings. But, also know that it is okay to break down and relieve some of that stress. And (I know this sounds harsh) but then don't wallow in it, bounce back up and go on.
Big hugs, hope and prayers for you both.

The drawing is nicer than most faces I draw. I love looking at your shading and trying to learn to make mine better by seeing your example.

Valerie-Jael said...

I hope your husband gets the help and treatment he needs. All the best!

Iris Flavia said...

Very scary times, best vibes and wishes from here. Stay strong. I kinda did back then with Ingo cause I had the blogger world, I hope we can keep you up, too.
I might´ve said before, think positive, both of you. It might help. It did with my arm.
Life sometimes sucks. Big. I am sorry, I wish you all the best possible.
Great face-drawing. The ... lips, the eyes, the nose, all came out great!
The AIs are beautiful, too, though AI bugs be at work a bit!
It´s not much into railway and drifted off into cooking yesterday! That didn´t make me smile but laugh - hope you still have the mood for a laugh in these very difficult times...

Christine said...

Sending prayers for you both Nicole. Lovely art.

Rita said...

I know what you mean about stress setting off your's the same with my Fibro. But sometimes life just gets very, very stressful. I am praying for a positive outcome...sending good thoughts and gentle hugs. Yes, all you can do is try to stay as calm as possible...keep busy...and wait. Deep breath!

LOVE your face this week, too, BTW! :)

Rostrose said...

Dear Nicole, sometimes life puts the strongest people through tests that are almost unbearable. I'm trying to send you virtually an extra dose of strength and energy and hope it works! I'm glad that at least the nephrologist is a doctor who still knows something about the Hippocratic Oath... and takes patients and their families seriously and listens to them and talks to them. All doctors should be like that.
Your drawn face is magically beautiful and very well worked out.
I also find your AI elves quite appealing. I'm always fascinated by what AI can do... (but I often reach the limits...)
Best wishes to Mr. M. and to you!!!
Hugs, Traude

sirkkis said...

There is still hope, Nicole!
Try to keep it on, and strength to you to handle these
difficulty period of life,
Hugs xx

roentare said...

These angelic faces look so surreal. Love them very much

NatureFootstep said...

lol, when I was a young waoman I always wanted those pointed ears. I think it is beautiful.

I am sorry for the medical issues you both have. And sad I am not able to help.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

At a time like this drawing must be excellent therapy. I hope that all goes well. This business of waiting for the insurance people to authorize another test seems so foreign to me. What happens if they don’t?

Tom said...

...Nicole, I'm not good with words and I don't know what to say now. My thoughts are with the two of you.

My name is Erika. said...

Oh Nicole, I can somewhat relate to this as my husband lost both of his kidneys due to one of those rare autoimmune diseases. It is overwhelming isn't it? But you have the added cancer scare too. That's a lot. I'll send lots of good energy your way. That face is lovely. I'm glad you found the energy for some release. Stay strong. hugs-Erika

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A beautifully proportioned face! I hope Mr M gets his test soon, that his left kidney will remain, and that your lupus will not flare up again. Thinking of you both and sending good vibes your way!

Granny Annie said...

God bless you Nicole. Breaking down is something that happens and something you needed to do. Mr. M. understands how difficult this is for you too. Prayers for both of you.

LA Paylor said...

it's so hard...when you are going through the minute to minute and doctors aren't available. We have a lack of medical care here too. One feels so exhausted from the loop. Tears cleanse.
it's precious little to offer, but visualize little workers in the body repairing the break down. Clearing the waters. It's so little but it's something to do, picture the repair. Over and over. My husband said it turned the tide with his eyes but having the medical care is so important.
then you're afraid to express your feelings because of your own... it's so hard to go through.
I'm so sorry that what we can do is stand behind you saying whatever you have to do to survive this is okay

Fundy Blue said...

My heart goes out to you and Mr. M., Nicole. I will continue to keep you in my heart and prayers. The face you drew is beautiful. Please be kind and gentle with yourself. You are strong and coping amazingly well. It's okay if you break down temporarily. You are going through so much, and sometimes you have to release your emotions. Then you can come back stronger. Sending you a big hug!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You and Mr. M are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. I hope all goes well, dear Nicole.

Eclecticity said...

Thank you for featuring my photo. May God grant you and your husband his healing presence and grace.

Mae Travels said...

I am thinking of you and your struggle to obtain proper care and decent attention for such a serious issue. Coping with insurance is an unneeded insult when things are so challenging, and I hope you get a prompt and satisfactory answer from them.
best, mae at said...

Love your drawing.
Keep strong, hope all goes well.

Rostrose said...

Dear Nicole, I have another post with lots of faces for your linkup today - maybe it will bring you joy. By the way, I noticed that your almost bald elf has 6 fingers - just like an AI woman who appears in my post ;-D
Let me give you a hug!
All the best and have a nice weekend Traude

Jeanie said...

Oh my, it's so terribly hard when both of you are dealing with very significant health issues. I will keep you in my prayers and heart. Both of you.

Giorgio said...

I hope your husband will get the health treatment he needs as soon as possibile.
God bless you!

baili said...

my heart melt down when i think of pressure a wife can feel while hearing such sad news dear Nichole but as you said you are strong lady and we are so proud of you as you are an inspiration for your friends my dear friend !!!!!!!!!

i hope and pray that one of his kidney stays until he finds donated one by the grace of God!!!

i salute to your strength and bravery and i hope you will continue to show it in future so your disease can not take over and stay in control which is really important for the inner strength of mr M as well!
you are never away my thoughts and each time i rise my hand for prayers you both are there always!
hugs endless healing energy and love and best wishes!
the art is majestic as always!

Divers and Sundry said...

I'm sorry y'all are going through this :( I hope y'all get the medical attention you need soon.

CAAC said...

You're dealing with so much, dear friend. My heart aches for you but I know you are a very strong woman. Know that you both are in my prayers. I linked up. Being away from things this summer, I usually don't think to keep my art in mind when I make visits. I have been sketching faces a bit more. Have a blessed day, Nicole! xo

Lowcarb team member said...

My thoughts are with you.

All the best Jan