Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Friday Face OFF 1/25/24


This is an update. 
I am so stressed that 
I thought today was Thursday. 
Ya know the day I post FFO. 
Ahhh duuhh it's Wednesday.

Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of you 
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
I have been drawing a lot and playing with AI as well. 
This is one of my favorite actresses 
Bella Ramsey. You will know her from GOT, and The last of us. Plus a lot of other movies. I did thin her face out a bit but I think I captured her.

Ahhh AI art is so creative and really makes one work at what to describe. Here are some from this week.











I have more but will show them next time.
Now for the features

That is it for me. Now it's time to show me your face.


Christine said...

Lovely portrait and AI -Christine

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good job on Bella! Or should I say: bella Bella!

roentare said...

your AI faces are so poignant and dramatic. They are surreal

NatureFootstep said...

Nice to see my Puppy :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You should send her the picture. I am sure she would be thrilled.

Gene Black said...

I am not particularly familiar with Bella Ramsey, so I googled images of her. You certainly captured her in this drawing. Love it!
I hope the stress diminishes quickly for you. Hugs!

Valerie-Jael said...

Your face drawing is wonderful, Nicole, bu I am not a fan of Ai! Hope you are doing well, hugs!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Beautiful drawing of Bella!
AI art looks very unique. It must be fun to do.
Thank you for hosting.

sirkkis said...

You got Bella's expression very well, Nicole.
Take care, rest and be well xx

Cloudia said...

Bless YOUR face! Aloha

Rita said...

You did capture her! She's a wonderful young actress!
I hope the stress issues calm down. *hugs*

Carola Bartz said...

I don't know this actress but then I didn't watch any of these series you mentioned. However, I do think that you captured her very well.
Take good care, hugs - Carola

Iris Flavia said...

Wow, that is a great portrait of the actress!
And I love the AIs, too (though work-wise I struggle with AI, the intelligence I at times doubt... but it makes me laugh, too).
Hehe, if my neighbor knew this meme, would he remove that "nose-ring"?
Wishing you a great day, dear Nicole. Yesterday I was convinced it´s Friday...

Tom said...

...Nicole, I'm sorry to hear about your stress. Take care and be well.

My name is Erika. said...

You must be happy to have sketching as a release. I think the face you drew is lovely. I can see see Bella R in your drawing a lot! And all the AI art is very cool too, but also scary in way that a computer can do with just a prompt. But good scary-if there can be such a thing. Take care and have a super weekend. hugs-Erika

Mae Travels said...

I’m sorry to hear that things in your life remain so stressful.
best of luck with all your challenges… mae at

Rostrose said...

Dear Nicole, you captured Bella Ramsey's facial expression perfectly! Your AI images are great. I would be interested to know what instructions you give the AI ​​to achieve such results. (The AI ​​doesn't always understand me ;-D)
I'm sorry that you're so stressed, but I can understand it well. I'm sending you my heartfelt hug.
All the best, Traude said...

Good job on both drawing and AI

carol l mckenna said...

Awesome portrait sketch ~ do hope you are more relaxed ~ breathe ~ hugs to you,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Katerinas Blog said...

Bella's sketch is very beautiful!
You did a good job with the AI ​​too.
With AI I also made a sketch describing a fifty-year-old writer!

Violetta said...

Nice drawing, well done. And these AI works are a bit strange to me.
Have a good time and all the best

Kym Decker said...

Very honored and thanks for featuring my artwork this week! I loved all the AI Faces that you posted! So colorful! A feast for the eyes!! Hope for next week not so stressful!!