Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday Face OFF

Hello Everyone!
I am so sorry for not posting FFO last night.
 We got more bad news yesterday, about Mr. M's condition and it just took both of us aback.
Here is a face I drew fast and furious.

I promise that next week there will be a full on FFO.
Thank you all for your support and prayers.
Please show me that faces you have created.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hugs to you and Mr M. Thinking of you both.

Tom said...

...take care of the important things first!

Rita said...

Oh no! So very sorry that you got bad news!
The face you STILL managed to draw is soft and beautiful.
*love and hugs from Fargo*

Christine said...

So sorry to hear this Nicole sending hugs

Divers and Sundry said...

I hurt for you. My heart goes out to you, and I'm hoping you have good support during this time. 🫂

LA Paylor said...

oh noooo
may you have the strength you need to cope

Rostrose said...

Oh, Nicole, so sorry to hear that you have received bad news about Mr. M’s condition. Please don't let this completely discourage you – doctors can be wrong, miracles can happen and a strong will can bring improvements. I am thinking of you both! All the best, Traude

My name is Erika. said...

You don't need to apologize. Your husband's health is definitely more important than a blog post. I'm sorry to read it was bad news. Keep the faith and hope...hugs-Erika

Fundy Blue said...

You don't have to apologize, Nicole! I'm amazed that you can post at all. What a beautiful face! Keeping you and Mr. M. in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of you!

Gene Black said...

Hugs to you. You are in my prayers and I am sending good vibes to you.

Valerie-Jael said...

Sorry about the bad news, sending hugs and prayers!

Iris Flavia said...

I am very, very sorry to hear this.
I hope all turns out well in the end and that blogging helps you - it did help me when Ingo was so sick.
If far apart, we are a community and listen.

Iris Flavia said...

P.S. love the face you sketched!

sirkkis said...

Beautiful drawing, Nicole.
I wish all turns well to you and your husband,
Hugs xx

Katerinas Blog said...

Our prayers are with you.
Your face is gorgeous!
It's okay if you don't post as long as you're okay. Everything will be fine Nicole 🧡 said...

Sorry to hear you have more bad news

roentare said...

I am so sorry to read this update. Hope you will stand the test of time

Lowcarb team member said...

Thinking of you both, my good wishes.

All the best Jan

peppylady (Dora) said...

She looks quite sweet.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am sorry that you have received bad news on top of bad news. Take care of the important things and don’t worry about blogging for a while.

Linda said...

I’m sorry to hear about Mr. M.


baili said...

i am really sorry that you have received some more bad news about your hubby dear Nichole !

i wish him health and recover my dear friend !!!!!!

please stay positive ,miracles happen just have faith and think positive !
your face made eyes teary don't know why
hugs and best wishes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Violetta said...

Oh, that´s very bad to hear that. I wish all the best for the health of Mr. M. And it is very understandable that you had no time and spirit to post anything. Nice drawing again.
All the best

CAAC said...


I don't see my comment from last week. It might be waiting for moderation but on the off chance I somehow goofed and didn't leave one like I thought just know I have you and Mr. M in prayer. I'm sorry for the bad news but I know you'll wrap your heads around this thing and find peace to battle it together. I'm praying for God's intervention in this matter. He knows everything. God bless you, darlin'! xo

Carola Bartz said...

I'm sorry that you got bad news. I'm thinking of you and Mr. M.
The face is beautiful and I can't tell that you drew it fast and furious.
Hugs - Carola