Thursday, June 6, 2024

Friday Face OFF


 Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of you 
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes for Mr. M. 
We will know more on the 13th. Ya  know let's not hurry things along.
Enough of that.
As you can imagine I have not had time to draw. I did sketch out a face but no where near finished. 
I found this on FB and thought it was a good reminder.

The features this week are,
Linda from LinsArty Blobs

 and Carol from ShutterBug Explores
Now it's your turn to show me your face. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your face drawing is off to a great start!

Christine said...

Nice sketch. Thinking of you guys. Congrats to those featured today. -Christine

peppylady (Dora) said...

I have thing about goats.

Iris Flavia said...

Your sketch started great!!
And that quote sure helps, too.
Still a long time till 13th, you two sure are in my POSITIVE thoughts...

Valerie-Jael said...

Stay calm and hopeful. All the best, Valerie

Cloudia said...

Thank you Nicole 🐱

sirkkis said...

Nice start of drawing.
Hope is there Nicole, be well and try to enjoy summer season;
your garden is blooming, I suppose :))

roentare said...

Sketch is great. Best wishes to Mr M

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Love what you have done so far on this drawing. Sorry I can't play this week. I spent too much time on my D Day post.

NatureFootstep said...

Hi Nicole, Nice to see my granddaughter on you display. I don´t see much of her nowadays as she is working in Japan. :( :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You have lots on your mind right now…take care of that. Everything else can wait.

Gene Black said...

I do understand about not having time to create. My post today is about that. I will explain more in next weeks post if all goes well.
Peace to you and Mr M.

My name is Erika. said...

It's very stressful waiting, at least for me. But like you said, let's not hurry that date along. Your face is lovely, even in it's present form. I'll still send good energy your way because you can never have too much of that. :) hugs-Erika

baili said...

looking forward for good news dear Nichole may God be merciful!

loved your gorgeous art ! i am happy you are able to do some art as it helps to mind cool down
sending heartfelt best wishes and hugs

baili said...

looking forward for some positive news dear Nichole !
ay God be kind !

i am happy you are bale to do some art as it helps mind to cool down during tough time
the lady is gorgeous
sending heartfelt best wishes and hugs

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Your drawing looks great so far.
Congratulations to those featured today.

Mae Travels said...

Again, my thoughts are with you as you face this terrible challenge!
best,mae at

Tom said... best to you in these trying times.

Fundy Blue said...

Thinking of you and Mr. M. Big hugs to you!

carol l mckenna said...

Great start to your face portrait ~ so talented ~ hugs,

Thanks for linking up my blog ~ need all the help I can get ~ not sure what is happening but people are having trouble commenting on my blog ~ sigh ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor) said...

Good start to the face. Thank you for the feature. Keep sparkling.

Divers and Sundry said...

I like your sketch. I especially like her mouth.

I'm thinking about y'all as you go forward.

Rostrose said...

Dear Nicole, I'm still thinking of you and Mr. M. and keeping my fingers crossed! Your drawing may only be an unfinished sketch, but the face is already wonderful. Please don't let anything or anyone dull your sparkle, too.
Hugs and all the best, Traude

Jeanie said...

I have a few cat faces for you today. The good vibes for your husband continue. Hang in.

Katerinas Blog said...

You drew a very beautiful face Nicole!!
It makes me feel good!
All will be well with Mr. M.
Our prayers are with you!
Have a beautiful Sunday.
Congratulations to those who took part,
if I have time tomorrow I will prepare a face too!

Lowcarb team member said...

A good start to your sketch.
Thinking of you both and sending positive thoughts.

All the best Jan

CAAC said...


I'm sorry for not visiting before now. The downside of taking a break you loss track so often. I just read in your previous post that y'all got bad news after your husband's kidney surgery. I hope whatever your learn this week is better than first expected. Take comfort in knowing folks are praying for you both. Sending love and hugs your way, darlin'! xo

PS: Nice face sketch, can't wait to see the finished version but no hurry. Do it as you feel move.

Iris Flavia said...

I hope you are OK, Nicole? I have a face for FFO today and am worried you have no update. For once I hope your internet is down.