Monday, May 27, 2024

T Stands for

 Hi Everyone!

Today I'm linking up with Bleubeard and Elizabeth for the Tuesday Party.  

We have actually had some nice days. Not much wind and in the upper 50's. Yes, I have been playing in the garden. However, something is wrong this year. I don't know if it's the constant cold nights, my soil is bad, or what. But I have had to get rid of all my hard bean plants, 2 of my string bean plants and all of my cucumber plants. I am very diligent about soil, and protection of my garden. Everything is covered at night and when the wind is howling. So, not sure what is going on. Any ideas leave them in the comments.  With that said we have enjoyed the spinach from the garden. OMG! It is so sweet and delicious. We ate this the other night.
Tonight we are having spaghetti. What is spaghetti without a good bread?

Back to the garden. I got this Night Sky Petunia and it is growing very well.

I love these flowers.

There is not much going on here. I take Mr. M. to the Nephrologists this week and hopefully the Urologist is back from vacation and Mr. M. can get the second procedure done. 
We are waiting to see what our landlord is going to do with the fence and space where the barn was.
Here are my drinks for the party.
I found this on facebook. Holiday Fanatics The artist is pretty amazing with digital art.
When you have not had coffee for an hours.
by me AI
Also  I would love to have any or all of these.







That's if for now. 
Wishing all of you a happy day. 


Tom said...

..the Pacific sure can keep you chilly in the summer. Take care and be well.

roentare said...

The coffee themed AI images are so thrilling to see

Lowcarb team member said...

Your homegrown spinach looks good :)

All the best Jan

Rita said...

I love those petunias, too! That's why Leah put them in the planter for me for Mother's Day. I think I read that the amount of white speckles or blobs on them is determined by the amount of sunlight they get. They are so pretty! :)
I am clueless about your garden, though.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I continue to appreciate the Lupus updates. I learn SO much from them. Sorry I was MIA all last week. It was a nightmare and it all began with buying a new refrigerator/freezer.

I can't help you with your garden because I have never grown any of those plants. Tomatoes, bell peppers, and squash are about all I can manage. And herbs, of course.

Love the digital women with their fruit drinks. I love the various coffee AIs you shared, too. That would be me if I didn't have coffee for an hour! I would also like to have the skull goblets and 3 piece plate and mug set. Thanks for sharing your updates on Mr. M., your garden, the bread, and your skull art with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear Nicole.

My name is Erika. said...

Those night sky petunias are cool. I have never seen them before. I don't know what's going on with your cukes and beans, but your spinach looks amazing. Mine is not growing well at all so far, but I think the heat has slowed them down. Have a great T day Nicole. hugs-Erika

Christine said...

Lovely plants -Christine

Iris Flavia said...

Sorry about your garden!
Spaghetti and bread? Never heard of that...
The empty space in your garden indeed looks sad.
Cool drinks and coffee-/tea gadgets.
To a happy T-Day!

Valerie-Jael said...

Sorry about the garden problems. But fresh spinach sounds wonderful! I have an appointment with my neurologist in June, not looking forward to it, but it's necessary! I have petunias on my balcony, but not such a lovely colour as yours. Happy T Day, hugs!

Valerie-Jael said...

Sorry about the garden problems. But fresh spinach sounds wonderful! I have an appointment with my neurologist in June, not looking forward to it, but it's necessary! I have petunias on my balcony, but not such a lovely colour as yours. Happy T Day, hugs!

Mae Travels said...

Gardening is a mystery to me: you seem so expert and I’m sorry to hear your plants have done badly.
best, mae

Mae Travels said...

Gardening is a mystery to me: you seem so expert and I’m sorry to hear your plants have done badly.
best, mae

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Your comments about the weather reminds of Mark Twain’s comment that he spent a fine week in San Francisco one night!

Gene Black said...

I am glad you can enjoy the spinach, it looks delicious. I can’t eat much of it or I get kidney stones. So it is on my “no eat” list.

I have never been much of a gardener, so I have no suggestions.

Empire of the Cat said...

Happy T Day, hope you are well! What happened to your plants? Here it is the rain that usually does it, or the snails. ~ Elle

Giorgio said...

Your bread looks delicious, Nicole. I hope you continue to enjoy spinach and other veggies, which will grow in your garden. I am sure your protection works on the night, although in May the weather is not to cold and not too warm. As you mentioned, wind may be dangerous for the garden.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, those Night Sky Petunia flowers are gorgeous!

Divers and Sundry said...

Your spinach looks delicious, and that bread! Our weather here is nothing like yours. I wouldn't know what to suggest but hope you get good advice. To lose so much is disappointing.

CJ Kennedy said...

mmmm fresh bread! the Night Sky petunias are amazing. The skull art is fun, too. Good luck to the Mr. Happy T Day

Katerinas Blog said...

Here (in Greece) we are now taking out the lettuces and spinach,
a month ago we had put in peppers, eggplants and tomatoes.
The image of the woman from the lack of coffee is fantastic!!
The party drinks look appealing!!

Anonymous said...

Im afraid I can’t give you any advice on growing stuff. I haven’t got green fingers. But that spinach looks very inviting. I bet it was delicious.
None of those coffee makers would attract me as anything with a skull is a Nono for me. Sorry, not keen on those at all.
Happy T-Day,

Jeanie said...

I'm so sorry aboutyour cucumbers (but boy -- the spinach looks amazing!)

nwilliams6 said...

I have negative gardening skills so my answers or advice would be the opposite of what is correct. Seriously. Could it be caused by that storm or the temps? That spinach looks very good and what a beautiful flower. Hope the landlord comes up with a good plan.

Love all the skull stuff - I would love any of it too. Still thinking you could make most of it.

Happy T-day. Hugz

Spyder said...

oh no! another one where my comment earlier disappeared! I'm typing this somewhere else this weekend, so had time to double check! Those skulls are just brillant!!
Happy late T day ((Lyn))