Thursday, May 16, 2024

Lupus Awarness

 Hi Everyone!

I was asked, in a comment, if there is a known cause for Lupus. There isn't. There are speculations from the medical society. The history of lupus is long and well written about. However, as most diseases, looking for a cure has been slow. Even treatment medications didn't come about until 2010. Before that it was, and in some cases today, hit and miss. Most of the medications are worse than the disease.
The problem with the above meme, is that the medications are extremely expensive and most insurance won't cover them.
As you know I have what I call, "lupus feet" A surgery last fall has left my foot, numb, tight tendons, and no feeling in my toes. At least I can still walk.

Head pain has been everyday of my life. Below explains it perfectly.

My brain fog has NOT gotten to this place. I play a lot of mind games, like Jeopardy, match games, cross word puzzles and I take herbs to help with brain activity. MRI has shown that I do have hundreds of white spots all over my brain. Of course no one can tell me what they are.

 Wishing everyone good health.



Divers and Sundry said...

It's hard 😢 I wish cures for things like lupus and diabetes were not so elusive. I hadn't realized your foot was still in such bad shape. I'm so sorry!

Cloudia said...

God bless you my friend! I sincerely wish you beautiful weekend. Your courage is inspiring. Aloha!

Boud said...

This is important education for people who aren't familiar with what lupus can do, even when they have friends who deal with it. Thank you.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

If only medical science could find the cause and a cure!

Katerinas Blog said...

Nicole, it's really hard to fight illness,
especially if you live in a country where the health care system is in shambles (I mean my own country after the financial crisis of 2009, unfortunately)...
I wish you strength and anyone else struggling with diseases, to him or any member of his family!
Thanks for giving us information about the lupus,
it's stuff I was unaware of before!

Tom said...

...sounds like an uphill battle.

Jeanie said...

I hate it when no one knows what something is. That's interesting about the feet but it makes sense. I've learned a lot from you on this. Thanks.

My name is Erika. said...

I remember your foot issues. I hope they are doing better now.

roentare said...

Lupus is very deadly. It can cause anything anywhere

peppylady (Dora) said...

Modern medical is wonderful.

Rita said...

They seem to be doing more studies since covid/long covid about autoimmune diseases. (Probably because a lot of men got long covid...sad, but true.) Whatever the motivation--I hope they keep searching for causes and cures. :)