Thursday, January 18, 2024

It should be getting better now

 Hi Everyone!

As of this morning 126 is still closed due to down trees and debris.  
Tom commented, "that shouldn't take the highway department long to clean up!"
Allow me to explain. The ice vortex that hit the Pacific Northwest is unheard of here. From where I live on the beach to the nearest big city Eugene. We don't get weather like this. On occasion we will get a bit of snow on the road to town. But nothing to get excited about. That means in our huge county any snow equipment goes to other areas. This time we had snow over ice on the roads and even though this is the main road out from the coast, crews work in the city where thousands of people are still with out power. ODOT did clear 126 and then more trees fell on the road. As hard as the crews are working we still can't get to the city. Also NO ONE has snow tires here. We carry chains in our cars.
 This is from Trip Check. Hwy 126.
Euegen weather cam

These are 1/17/24 photos 
by Dede Day on Face Book She lives in this area of 126.
This is all ice on the road.










 Okay with these horrible photos the good news is that it warmed up in Eugene and the icy roads are now melting. Electric crews are working to get power back and tree service companies and city crews are working round the clock. 
These photos are in Eugene.







One tree service company said they got 2 months of work in 48 hours. 
This is nowhere near normal for my area. From Portland to the coast it was and still is a horrible storm.  
Hopefully, the warm up will last and people will get their power on, roads will clear up and homes repaired. 
What ever weather you are in be safe.


Boud said...

So much depends on how your normal weather goes. Crews don't gear up for unheard of storms. Then they have to prioritize where they deploy the equipment they have. I'm not surprised about how long the closing is going on.

Tom said...

...I assume that to the town/county owes chainsaws and a large wheel loader. Nothing in those pictures looks insurmountable, someone just needs to bundle up get out of the warm shop!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Just sit tight at home until everything's back to normal!

My name is Erika. said...

There are some big trees that came down. Living here in snow country (like Tom-but I think he is in more snow country than me), it is always interesting how other places handle the winter weather. Of course this winter the weather has been weird just about everywhere. hugs-Erika

Valerie-Jael said...

Hope things soon get better! Hugs, Valerie

Iris Flavia said...

Holy moly. Don´t you hate winter? Not as bad here, but I could not go to the city. It took Ingo forever to get from the car to our home, it was all ice outside. It´s now -1C/30F and I have to go outside :-(
Summer, please!!!

Mae Travels said...

Good luck with the end of your storm and success getting cleared to be able to travel. I hope you have lots of food on hand and that your power stays on after this.
best, mae at

peppylady (Dora) said...

Sort of rough weather.

Jeanie said...

Yikes. They really got nailed. You too, with ice. I'm no winter fan but I'd much rather have snow than ice.

Rita said...

Wow! Will just take time. Especially in places where it is highly unusual weather--you're right! They don't have the equipment available or staff to deal with all the subsequent issues. Not having power is the scariest. I hope everyone will be okay.

Divers and Sundry said...

People who live in places where they are used to ice, have the equipment, plenty of salt, etc. really don't understand how what looks to them like not much can shut down a city. I sympathize with you.

roentare said...

It is like a carnage out there. The thick snow is something I don't come across often

Christine said...

Ice storms are terrible and so destructive.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

That's a lot of damage and ice.
Stay safe.

baili said...

oh this is disturbing specially an area that is not used to of snow fall get snow and ice in abundance ,.photos reveal how difficult it must have been for inhabitants .
i admire how tree company did remarkable job and cleared the area wow
i wish all authorities must follow their footsteps .

how bad that cars dont have tires to drive in snowy roads .
i think people of your county will be prepared next time for such abrupt weather surprise
be safe !

David M. Gascoigne, said...

As has often been sad, “Could be worse!”

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog