Monday, July 3, 2023

T Stands for icky aphides. LOL

 Hi Everyone!

Today is the T-Party hosted by 
Bleubeard and Elizabeth. A fun place to meet nice people. Come see what it's all about.
As I have mentioned it is a strange garden year. Cold and windy with no rain here. Normally I would have cucumbers rolling off the vine. This year I have had 2 plants die and one plant finally getting some flowers. I check my garden every morning. The flowers, the leaves, the soil. I think most gardeners do that. So, yesterday afternoon when I checked on the plants and show Mr. M. what is actually growing I was stunned to find that there were 9 baby cucumbers that exploded since morning. I also noticed that there were thousands of aphid eggs on every leaf and some of the flowers. OMG!!!! How can that happen in a span of a few hours with the wind blowing 23MPH with 30MPH gusts? I pulled the container off the platform and started cutting the leaves off. I mean the back sides of the leaves were completely black with eggs. I then sprayed the cuc plant. I also checked the other plants on the platform and all seems well. I have never had this happen before. I didn't take photos of my cuc but here is what it looked like. Photos form google. Now multiply these black spot by a million. Seriously the leaves were completely covered in black eggs.
I'm feeling a bit better. I have lupus and sjogrens at bay for now and my energy is better. I had too much Vit Bs in my system. Too much make one as tired as not enough.
I am in full show mode finishing up project started months ago. I made a prototype of a cardboard coffin. This cardboard is too thick and I couldn't get clean cuts, however, the design will work for one of my creations. I'll make a better one decorate it for the, hmmmm.... you will see soon.... creation. LOL
The other night I made another chicken and fennel dinner. OMG!!! it was so good. 
I made it in the instant pot. I sauteed fennel and very sweet onions in grapeseed oil. I seasoned chicken legs and thighs with garlic, sage, thyme, and a bit of herbes de provence. Suateed the chicken the pressure cooked it all for about 30 minutes. I can't tell you how much flavor and goodness this had. I made a gravy from the juices in the instant pot and topped it over angel hair pasta. Add some fried cabbage from the garden and it's a meal!

Now to get into the party I'm showing coffee I had this AM.
I have always drank my coffee black, however, Mr. M. has me hooked on cream.

 That's it for now. If you have plans for the 4th be safe and enjoy.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I must have cream in my coffee too! And REAL cream, none of that skim milk crap *shudder*, Glad you're feeling a bit better -- didn't know that too much Vitamin B can cause fatigue too!

Valerie-Jael said...

Glad you're feeling a bit better, that's good. Those aphids sound gross, I hope you can get rid of them. That chic ken and fennel sounds divine, yummy, and your coffee looks great, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Tom said...

...aphids have never been my friends, Take care Nicole.

Giorgio said...

The great news is that you feel better!

On your garden front, I'm sorry to hear the leaves in your garden were completely covered with black eggs. Looking forward to watching a picture of your baby cucumbers.

Christine said...

Lovely meal and cuppa. I heard instapot went bankrupt.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I drink my coffee black, but Miriam uses milk, so when we make a thermos of coffee to take with us we add the milk and I take it with milk too. It's almost become a tradition.

Rita said...

OMGosh! How did that happen overnight! Sneaky little bugs!
I always drank my coffee black. When I went on Keto they talked about using whipping cream in your coffee. I finally tried it. Shock! Now I like it with whipping cream (or half and half) and even use artificial sweeteners with flavoring--like caramel & chocolate or vanilla or hazelnut. Who knew it could be so delicious. Never say never, I guess. ;) It's now my favorite treat of an evening. But I still prefer my black coffee the majority of the time.

Kate Yetter said...

Your chicken meal looks delicious!
I have not experienced these types of eggs on my plants but I will have to be on the lookout for them.
Happy Tea Day,

My name is Erika. said...

Sorry to hear about the aphids. That's not good. And I could tell that was a prototype coffin. I bet the finished ones you make will be great like all your other skulls and fun art. I hope the rest of the garden stays aphid free and that you have a super 4th and T day too. hugs-Erika

Sharon Madson said...

Right how does that happen? I am glad you caught it quickly and got rid of the offending pests. Hopefully your cucumbers will survive, now. Happy T Day.

Gene Black said...

I am happy to hear that you have those sudden baby cucumbers. But the aphids sound horrible. I had a huge rose bush once and I had to fight aphids on it.

Mae Travels said...

Feeling better because you are figuring out what’s wrong — that’s wonderful! I hope the improvement continues.
I read that there’s an eruption of little aphids in New York City this week, and that there are hundreds of different species of them that it could be. I wonder about yours.

best, mae at

Viagens pelo Rio de Janeiro e Brasil. said...

Boa tarde de terça-feira. Obrigado pela visita e comentário. Fico feliz em saber que você está melhor de saúde minha querida amiga Nicole.

Luiz Gomes.

nwilliams6 said...

Glad you were checking closely and could save the plant.

The coffin looks fun!

Super looking dinner - yum. Always cream in my coffee if there is any around.

Happy T-day, Nicole. Hugz

Iris Flavia said...

Hope you get rid of those aphids!
Other your garden sounds great and big YAY for feeling better, if only a bit.
Like the coffin and looking forward to seeing the finished one!
Your food looks yummy - so sad coffee is not for my stomach anymore.
Have a happy T-Day!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am delighted to read you are feeling better. I had no idea too much of a vitamin is as bad as too little.

Sorry to read about your aphids. I got some on eggplant one year and had to get rid of the entire plant. I hope you don't lose your cukes. Your fennel dish sounds wonderful, but I am not a fan of dark meat. I would eat it with a breast, though. I even have the herbs you mentioned. I could cut them and bring them to you if we lived closer!

I also drink my coffee with 1/2 and 1/2. None of that creamer they pass off as cream. Thanks for sharing your wonderful food, that prototype casket, and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday, dear Nicole.

Carola Bartz said...

Having low energy is exhausting and I'm glad you got some energy back.
The weather is weird this year = we had two hot days, and now we're back to below normal temps. I'm mostly okay with it since I'm not a big fan of heat, but I don't like having cold feet in the morning. Those aphid eggs on your cucumber leaves are horrible. I hope you caught everything and they're not infecting other plants as well. Happy Fourth of July!

Debra said...

So sorry you're having such hard garden trouble. Aphids are gross! Hope you're having a nice Fourth!

CJ Kennedy said...

Himself has been having problems with slugs on his plants. I saw he bought some Neem oil to spray on them. Hope you were able to give the aphids the heave ho. Happy T Day

J. S. Vila said...

You are a good gardener because every day you observé what is happening in the garden. Gives water, gives energized earth, gives insecticy, and you Will have It better. I think so.
Greetings from Mallorca. And have a nice and productive summer.

Amila said...

It is great that you are feeling better. Gardening is interesting but it is sad when there are pest attacks. A few weeks ago, I experienced the same black spots under the leaves of my curry plants and cut away the affected leaves. Plants are better now. Delicious looking meal too...
Happy T day!

Jeanie said...

SO glad you are feeling better. With Lupus and Sjorgrens at bay, does that mean they ruled both of those out? I really hope so. Can't believe your garden. Amazing.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Congratulations converting to cream in your coffee!
That's a good change to make as cream enhances the coffee flavor.

Happy 4th of July!

Lisca said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better (and that they have found out what the cause was).
Oh those aphids! I have come back from holiday to find one of my plants completely covered. I put a water spray on it to get most of them off and then I sprayed with water and washing up liquid. That should kill them.Now I've discovered my rose is also full of aphids. This afternoon I'll go to the shop to get some proper insect stuff. The battle begins!
Sorry I'm late. Tuesday is a busy day for me.
Belated happy T-Day,