Wednesday, February 15, 2023

TADD with Rain Bread

 Hi Everyone!

Today is TADD with Rain. Her theme this week is, "Bread" Ahhh a theme I can get behind. I have gone through my blog and picked out breads that I have made and shown you in the past.



























These are just a few of the breads I have made

Hope you enjoyed the goodies.



kathyinozarks said...

Beautiful breads Nicole! years ago I made all of our breads-really enjoyed it-so many choices. Happy Thursday Kathy

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

What a delicious post Nicole, I really do like bread but my hips enough it more hee hee!! The lemon sweet bread really draws my eye. Thanks for sharing you fabulous makes, I can imagine how good they smelt whilst cooking. Creative Hugs Tracey xx

roentare said...

They look gorgeous! You are such a good baker here.

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely photos and variety of bread! Valerie

Tom said...

...I LOVE bread!!!

Gene Black said...

Before I had to give up all grains, I loved making bread. Now if I make any, I use almond or coconut flour. There are a couple of other non-grain flours but they are difficult to find in my area.

Anonymous said...

They look scrumptious!

Jeanie said...

YOU are an awesome bread baker! They look fabulous. (Probably a good thing I don't live next door!)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You are a wonderful and diverse bread maker! Now I crave cheesy bread sticks.

carol l mckenna said...

Oh wow! such delicious looking breads of all kinds ~ enjoy ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Iris Flavia said...

They look yummy!!! Oh, I need to bake bread, too!!! I got dry yeast from Australia as pressie - do have an idea for that?

Gillena Cox said...

Luv the pizza best of all 😊 Thanks for dropping by my blog today


Christine said...

Mouth watering Nicole, you are a bread expert what can I say.

ashok said...

Wow never knew there were so many varieties !

Viagens pelo Rio de Janeiro e Brasil. said...

Boa tarde e uma ótima quinta-feira. Nicole que vontade de comer um pouquinho de cada um desses pães.
Luiz Gomes.

Mae Travels said...

As Jeanie says — these breads are awesome and you are an awesome baker. I’d love to try them.

best… mae at

Rita said...

I am so hungry now! LOL! :)

My name is Erika. said...

Oh so many yummy looking breads. Isn't bread the best? And I want to thank you since it was you who introduced me to Japanese Milk bread. I can see yours in this post. hugs-Erika

baili said...

How amazing you are dear Nicole. Each bread looks special and tasty, mouth watering actually :)
I am sure all will be fine and you will be back in business soon amen. Health peace and happiness to you both!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

So clearly art is not your only talent. All of your breads look delicious! Some I remember and some I don't, but I would sit down at your table any day ... and I would probably put on more than a few pounds if I were to do so. This prompt was definitely made for you :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

CAAC said...

WOW, you have made various yummy bread type recipes! DH absolutely loves bread!! Last night, I made home-made Italian sausage & onion pizza for dinner. This has become our favorite pizza with cheeseburger pizza being second. What I want to try is making loaf bread for sandwiches and toast. Now, I'm hungry! Have a good weekend, dearie!

Rain said...

Beautiful bread post!!! Oh my I am so obsessed with bread! Love the pizza at the end! ☺

Divers and Sundry said...

Bread, it never let's you down :) although my bread-baking sometimes does ;)