Sunday, June 26, 2022

Movie Monday

 Greetings Everyone!

Before I get into the movies for this week, I want to say this about Roe V Wade.
Women have fought and died to have a freedom that every man has always had. The right to have health care. When I worked for Safeway as a dept manager. I had insurance but it didn't cover any "women problem" That's how it was worded. This was in the early 1980's. In the 1970's I was not allowed a credit card or utilities in my name. My husband had to be named. In the early 1960's my dad beat my mom on a regular basis. When she called the police to press charges the cops told her she would have to go to jail too and the 6 of us kids would go to the state home. My mom dropped the charges. My grandmother stood the line at age 13 with her sister and mom to fight for the 19th amendment. My mom, my sister and I stood the line to fight for Row V Wade.  Women were beaten, slugged in the stomach, hit over the head with clubs by men who didn't want us to have rights. The constant fight we women have to endure to have equal rights in this country is the shame of men and now other women in power. It doesn't matter your view on abortion. It's not about abortion. It is about the maga party taking away our rights one by one right in front of our eyes. Find out what you can do locally to make the change for all women. Even if you are not a blue voter, vote blue. This fight is bigger than ever before. If the maga party gets in more than it is now we are lost to democracy. All rights are at risk. What are you going to do about it?

The first movie is, " Suffragette"
The title speaks for itself. Staring Meryl Streep and Cary Mulligan and takes place in Brittan.
This is on Netflix.

The second one and a must see for everyone is, "On the basis of sex."
On the Basis of Sex is a 2018 American biographical legal drama film based on the life and early cases of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. You will be surprised what her fist case was.
There are a host of stars
and can be seen on Netflix as well.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

You're absolutely right, Nicole. MAGA rats cannot be allowed more power to take away rights.

Tom said...

...and the fight goes on!

Sondra said...

Totally Agree, how can we ever begin the work on Equal Rights when the Supreme Rule is against us and not only is Choice rolled back some experts, Senators, and others now think even the freedom of contraceptives will be taken away. Racheal Maddow had an excellent video about how everything Thomas mentioned in his ruling could come to fruition. I hope women will unite against this and use the voting booth in NOV to send a message, that we are totally capable of managing our lives and out bodies without political and religious meddling.

Jennifer Rose said...

im glad i am in a country where if i needed it I could get an abortion.this ruling pissed me off so much. its not just about equal rights, its become a human rights issue and unfortunately I dont see it stopping at banning just abortion

Christine said...

This post makes me so angry at the unfairness to women over the years.

Valerie-Jael said...

So true Nicole, it is really a crime against all women, everywhere, and we all need to stand together to fight this. I have seen both films and they are very worth watching! Valerie

My name is Erika. said...

I am angry that a whole political party does not care about women's rights. And what will be next? Gay marriage? Let's face it, Roe vs. Wade is not really about babies. If it was this country would do more with extended maternity leaves, better childcare, etc. No, it is really about us women, isn't it? Getting back our right to our own bodies. They are the party of old white men who want to go back to their childhoods where the good old boy network ruled. But let me also say, they are not the party of all old white men. Anyhow, before I got on too long. Have a great Monday Nicole. hugs-Erika

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It is very sad indeed that we appear to be going backwards. If the country doesn't wake up soon a full theocratic autocracy is very possible. The Taliban would be proud!

CAAC said...

Nicole, I hated reading how your father beat your mother. That's just wrong and the way it was handled equally wrong. I believe in equality for all is needed and that human life is precious.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate it. Regine

carol l mckenna said...

It is sad indeed and feel like our country is going backwards ~ do hope this gets changed quickly ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Lowcarb team member said...

So sad ...
Thank you for your post.

All the best Jan

baili said...

What a powerful and touching sharing dear Nichole !
Being from country far far less developed it disappointed me that real life for women is not much different in your country than here as so so many people idealise west for women rights and try to reach that standard on many levels.

You cannot imagine i bet that what torture women went through here for having their rights. What hurts me most is that still we have major part of females in rural areas who is totally unaware of their rights.
This will take us ages to touch where you stand right now..
Thank you so much for sharing such beautiful movies i will watch them for sure hopefully. Hugs and blessings to you and loved ones!

Divers and Sundry said...

It's about control; it's all about control. I'm sick of hearing them explain why their own personal religious interpretations should be imposed on everybody. Thank you for being willing to speak out. Those movies are appropriate choices.

Granny Annie said...

I have a lot to do today but I shall abandon it all to watch these two movies.