Thursday, June 2, 2022

Friday Face OFF/ FFO

 Hi Everyone!
Yay! Today is Friday Face OFF, (FFO)
It's easy create a blog post, feature a face and then link up with me. It can be Human, alien, animal hey even vegetable. In any medium.
I've been drawing in the evening to relax. Once I get started I do forget any stress or problems. Mr. M. asked why I cut this first ones her head off. I joked and said, "I didn't want to draw hair." ha ha ha. It was, however, a design decision.

I am not sure what I was thinking on this next one. It is what it is. 
I've been asked by several people if I draw from my head, or photos or life. Most of the drawings are from my head. I simply just start. I have drawn 2 or 3 portraits from life. It's very different from a photo or just out of my head. 
I don't start a face the same way each time.
Here are a few examples. 
The mouth and nose first.
Then up to the eye. 
This one I started at the nose.
Starting from the eye.

All of these are finished pieces but just wanted to show how I start a face. 
I hope you enjoyed the post and will join in.
I am joining in with Gillena for 
Have a great day.


kathyinozarks said...

I enjoyed seeing your faces and the tutorial of how you draw the faces.
thanks for hosting

Tom said...

...the eyes are so expressive.

Iris Flavia said...

Wow, I could never do this without a pic or such, you´re a great artist!
I´m sorry I cannot join you, it´s not ready... Maybe over the long weekend and then on T-Day, and if no one runs away screaming I might try to join here - the one in work I´ll "sell" as "general art" maybe ;-)
Love especially the one where the one eye is already there, perfect! The lips, the nose, wow!

Christine said...

Wonderful faces!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I watched a few videos (freebies from last September) that suggested to start with the eyes. I see you choose not to do that most of the time. You have drawn some beautiful faces, Nicole. My FFO is a bit of a cop out, but I have company and still wanted to join the fun.

NatureFootstep said...

My faforite is the last one. I like the face as well as the hairstyle. :)

sirkkis said...

Hi Nicole,
Your portrait drawings are very expressive and well done.
Wishing your weekend is wonderful, full of joy xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am impressed!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your faces are always fun to look at and the fact that you draw them from your imagination, not a photo, makes them even more interesting!

Barbara said...

The one with mouth and nose first, then one finished eye is my favorite! One eye is all I need. I love it.

Serena Lewis said...

Lovely faces, Nicole! Funny exchange between you and Mr M about the top of her head. I agree with Tom — the eyes in your portraits are so expressive.

My mermaid was done from my head but I mostly use reference images for portraits. How interesting that you start off from different facial points with different faces.

By the way, I was able to paste my post link with no problems this week. Your tweaks worked...thanks!

Have a lovely weekend,
Serena x

Mae Travels said...

The step-by-step pictures of how you draw faces are very fascinating. I don’t draw, or do any art, so I would not have guessed how it is done.

best… mae at

My name is Erika. said...

Lovely faces Nicole. Noses are so hard to get right I think. Have a great day ahead.

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful faces. I've got a fish face for you today! Valerie

Rain said...

You're such an amazing artist Nicole! I love your faces. My gosh, I need to practice facial features. I draw mostly from photos, I'm very visual and I can't picture how realistic features look just by thinking about them. Very cool drawings! ♥

Rain said...

Just posting a second comment because I forgot to click for email follow up comments!! ☺☺

Gillena Cox said...

Luv your exquisite portraits. Happy you linked up at Art For Fun Friday


carol l mckenna said...

Oh such marvelous portraits ~ such talent ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Su-sieee! Mac said...

You have a wonderful imagination, DVArtist. I like the heads off look.

denthe said...

Wonderful drawings Nicole! It's interesting to see the different ways you start your portraits. I always start with the eyes, I can't imagine starting with somethng else. Maybe I should try ;-) I'm glad to see you're still creating. I was over at the PPF-blog just now, and was sad to see they stopped with the weekly parties. I was so used to it always being there. Oh well, time moves on and so do we I guess. Hope all is well with you! Have a great Friday and weekend! xox

DVArtist said...

Unless I change my comment settings I can't reply your a single comment. So for everyone, thank you for joining in and leaving a comment. It is much appreciated.

Jeanie said...

Faces have never been my strong suit -- I really admire what you do.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Thanks for reminding me Nicole, so happy to be here today. Beautiful pencil work in your faces you have a tender way with that pencil, I myself am quite hard when I start from scratch. I especially love the offset glance they are so difficult to draw you did a marvellous job my friend.
Happy FFO Hugs Tracey xx

Magaly Guerrero said...

You are so good at painting expressions. The subjects' moods are clear, even in the pieces not yet finished.

Lowcarb team member said...

I have enjoyed seeing your faces, thanks too for the tutorial - interesting.

All the best Jan

peppylady (Dora) said...

For some reason I find face interesting.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Soma @ said...

So wonderful! I like the second one very much!


sirkkis said...

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