Monday, January 18, 2021

T Stande for Veggie Burgers


Today is T for Tuesday over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's. So click on the link to see what the T-Gang is up to. 

For me I have been working around the yard getting the garden equipment to the side of the house and clearing off the deck for the roofers. I also planted more jugs of my winter sowing. Each jug holds 4 plants so my garden will be bigger than last your but put together differently for ease of my back. No, I don't have an out building to store everything, maybe this summer I will be able to build something. Yes, I build. Something to look forward to. 

This past weekend I wanted some of my home made veggie burgers. They are so darn good and easy to make. They change with what veggies I have in the fridge, but I always use Chick Peas and Black beans. Yes, I was drinking a beer when I pulled these out of the oven. 
I did move it away from the hot tray. LOL
And here is the treat when they are done.


 Ohh and a note for Elizabeth and any one else who wants to watch. Monday Movie, "Backtrack" can be watched for free on Tubi

That is it for me today. 
Have a great day.
Be Safe Out There And Wear A Mask!
 Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Christine said...

Those veggie burgers look good, please share your recipe.

Tom said...

...I've never had one.

Granny Annie said...

I love Morningstar Farms veggie burgers. I could never make my own patties. I watched Backtrack on Amazon Prime and guess I had seen it at some point because I knew everything that was going to happen. Did not realize Joe Pesci was in it and love him. Can't wait for your next recommendation.

Crafting Queen said...

Looks yummy. Enjoy your gardening. Anesha x

Divers and Sundry said...

I like black beans, but I've never had them that way. Soup, that's what I do with them :) The gardening project sounds exciting. I know you must be looking forward to spring! Happy T Tuesday!

Barbara said...

Great recipe idea! I’m sure better than commercial frozen.

Let's Art Journal said...

Great news about your garden and Wow, those veggie burgers looks so good - yum! I'd love to try one please 😁. Take care and wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I've had store purchased veggie burgers and they were horrible. I would love a recipe, even if it's a bit like something I would do (like add about a cup of this or whatever leftover cup of veggie you might have as long as it's a full cup, etc). They look good and you certainly gave us two options for drinks to share with them. I like that you offer one alcoholic and one non-alcoholic. Thanks for sharing your veggie burgers and two drinks with us for T this Tuesday, dear Nicole.

Linda Kunsman said...

I do love vegie burgers and these look yummy! I'd love to try them if you wouldn't mind sharing the recipe;) Happy T day!

kathyinozarks said...

Good afternoon, your veggie burgers look so delicious I love using the gallon jugs for starting seeds-works soooo well. a bit too early here to start and put them outdoors just yet. happy T

Kokopelli said...

Oh, they sound delicious! We usually have meat burgers, but try to reduce our meat consumption. Any chance you could send tme the recipe? Would love to try. :) Have a great day my friend.

CJ Kennedy said...

I'm dreaming of warmer weather and the sun room. Happy T Day

Lisca said...

They certainly do look yummy.Well done you.
I never buy veggie burgers and occasionally I will make my own. Like you I use black beans a lot. We can't buy black beans in a tin and i have to cook them myself, and remember to put them to soak the night before, needless to say I don't make them often.
I tried the TubiTv link, but it doesn't work in Europe. But thanks for it anyways.

My name is Erika. said...

Those look delicious. Lucky you to be able to have outside plants and be thinking about a garden in January. I've said that before, but I can't wait until March to get started with some gardening project! Hope it was a great T day.

Mae Travels said...

Veggie burgers made at home from unprocessed ingredients sound like a great idea. I maxed out on the fake meat kind, and stopped buying them at all.

be safe... mae at

Hot guys said...

In my honest opinion, any burger is a good burger 🤷‍♂️

But these yours... they really do seem yummy! 😛

Elkes Lebensglück said...

these are so delicious dishes I like them too.
I wish you a nice day, hugs Elke

Iris Flavia said...

Hmmm, these look good, how could I (nearly) miss this - off to the recipe!

Eileen Bergen said...

I'm very interested in your winter sowing project and can hardly wait for spring to see the magic happen. It's interesting that you build. I'm a fan of Pretty Handy Girl. Her blog and house renovations are very interesting.

Belated Happy T-day! Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen

Magic Love Crow said...

You've been busy girl! I love seeing the water and beer! LOL! Big Hugs!