Wednesday, March 4, 2020

March 4 Body COVID 19

Hi Everyone!

Yesterday was another day to Salem, OR. It is where my MR. M. has his monthly doctors appt. It is a long drive for us, 3 hours one way. I was very surprised that the reception desk was not whipped off once while I waited nor were the tablet devices that patients use to check in with.  There was some medical hand sanitizer on the desk and not one person used it. This is an open waiting room and listening to the two receptionist, (very young) saying that if the doctors wanted them to wear a mask they wouldn't because it would mess up their makeup. OOOKAAAYYYY.  MR. M's doctor also told him that the OTC hand sanitizer doesn't work. Nothing is strong enough to kill any virus. After the Dr., on the way home we stop in Albany, OR. to shop and Winco and Costco.  In Costco the level of nastiness was pretty bad. People, coughing and hacking and not a thought to cover their mouths. We had placed the last item in our cart, behind us was a couple in their 60s, about 5 feet from us. The man starts coughing and hacking and never once covered his mouth. I gave him a dirty look over my medical mask and MR. M. said, "go go go this guy is hacking all over the place." Now, because of lupus and my age I have been wearing a medical mask when I go out for over 5 years. I really don't care what others think or if doctors say it doesn't help. It helps me. Then when we were getting into our car, the people parked next to us were getting into their car when the husband, about 35 years old, started coughing. He coughed up a big mouth of phlegm and then spat it out on the ground. I just about lost it.  I don't know how the COVID 19 is going to end but if people don't start following some basic, (common courtesy) health rules, 
especially in the grocery stores we are screwed!  
Hmmm. this is not what I had in mind for this blog post. It just came out. I know some of you are worried too. Give me your thoughts in the comments. 
Yesterday, while I was waiting for MR. M. I drew this out. 
I think I have her booty too low. LOL

30 minute sketch.

Wash your hands often and don't touch your face.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Crafting Queen said...

The lack of care for others is just astonishing these days. Hope you keep well. Love your sketch, beautiful.

craftytrog said...

Your little sketch is beautiful Nicole! Her bootie looks great to me :-)
It's unbelievable how selfish people can be, sharing their germs around! I'm on immunosuppressants, so I'm trying hard not to touch my face, and hand-washing obsessively.
Keep safe and well.
Alison x

froebelsternchen said...

I am with you Nicole! We have to take care, but we should not fear this virus too much. There were some of these in the past already.
She looks super!!! Very well done!

Hugs, Susi

dmZapp said...

Nicole, yep, grocery store madness....everyone including workers touch everything. Ugh. We haven’t seen (or heard) many coughing fools here. So area is either healthier or the sickies are actually staying home. You can’t tell people anything anymore, they are busy and don’t care until it hits them directly and then they go to social media for answers. We wash hands often, brush our teeth too..LOL. P.S., her butt isn’t too low, she is just older and it is losing its oomph. Ha, ha.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

As always, I love your sketches. They are wonderful. This one is incredible.

I would like to add two things. My friend Joseph who lives in SOCAL has a friend who works at Purel. He told Joseph to leave the sanitizer on for at least 60 seconds before removing it. I carry their (Purel) individual packaged sanitizers and bring one out when I have to enter a building or touch a shopping cart.

The second thing I want to recommend is to wash your hands for at LEAST 60 seconds. This is not just a cursory swipe of the water and soap, but a complete washing. ALSO, get under your nails. They get dirtier than you imagine. Mine are long and I pick up all kinds of nasties, I'm sure. Great cautionary post on COVID-19.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

People are ignorant slobs. We're all doomed! The best we can do is look after ourselves as best we can.

DVArtist said...

Ohhh good to know about the Purel. I didn't believe MR. Ms doctor anyway. I am a hand washing fool. Because to the lupus I am somewhat of a germophobe. LOL

Elkes Lebensglück said...

this is impossible how people behave and also in the doctor's office. I pay attention and abide by the rules, I don't want to get infected either. A great drawing for the short time.
Greetings Elke

Hot guys said...

Looks like you used those 30 minutes really well. The outcome is pretty nice, I like your drawing! :)