Sunday, November 26, 2017


Hi Everyone!

"She" is finished. She makes no apologies for her life, needs no validations. Her soul is seen on her face wrinkled with time and life. She embraces the goodness in all people and fights against the abuses. She sometimes stands alone, speaking out and loud, and then, her energy draws in others, and the loud becomes clear. "She" is the spirit of all women, beautiful, strong, intelligent, and standing together. "She"

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

SHE is lovely. I LOVE the backing you have mounted her to. What is it? Is that fabric? Perfect.
xx, Carol

Jennifer Rose said...

really nice :) like the difference between the two textures, smooth and patterned

Magic Love Crow said...

She is beautiful Nicole! I love her!! Very touching message!! Gorgeous background too! Big Hugs!!