Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Hi Everyone!

Most of you know that bead art was my life, passion, and how I made my living for most of 50 years. I was very fortunate to be in on he ground floor of the bead art explosion having some 400 published articles, my own books, taught beading for over 20 years all over the country and in in two other countries. So when I say beading was my life it was. About 5 years ago lupus started to take over my hands, making it difficult to bead. I eventually had to stop beading. I am still very much apart of the beading world, with my Nicole's BeadBacking, Looms by Mike and my beading patterns. I still give instructions and help people with beading. I said all of that to get to the real story......... A dear friend and beader wrote to me asking for a special pattern for her son's best man. It was one of my pot leaves and the man's initial for a lighter cover.  No problem I have been wanting to do this for sometime and now I had the reason to go forward with it. The patterns need to be tested so I made a few up for myself, pulled out some beads and set up on the kitchen table. I can't feel the needle or thread much less the beads. So I rubbed bees wax on my fingers in hopes that the needle would stay put. Well it worked a little bit. I did manage to bead two new lighter covers. Something that in the past would have taken me a few hours took me two days. It also reminded me how much I miss beading.  
So here are my two new patterns and the beaded pieces. 
Patterns can be purchased in my Beadwright Etsy or my Beadwright.com both places are instant down load. 

 The hot pink and hot green on black is to pretty.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Lisabella Russo said...

Oh those are wonderful! I am so impressed by you and all you do!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

These are a great gift. Do you Smoke? If so, I wonder how it helps. I often wonder if it would help my husband with his RA pain, but then he has COPD also. I'm not bead weaving anymore. Even though my fingers have started to twist a bit, I still love bead and thread embroidery. I hope I never have to give it up. I'm glad you have your paint to express you creative side and soothe your soul.
Happy Easter Nicole. Hope you have good weather.
xx, Carol

Pamela Kellogg said...

Hi Nicole, just wanted to say thank you for the nice comment you left on my blog! When you have a free moment, please drop me an email regarding Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine.

Magic Love Crow said...

Good for you Nicole! I am proud of you! That must have taken a lot out of you!
Life is filled with ups and downs and all arounds! I am happy you are still apart of the beading community! Big Hugs!

lambruch said...

One inspirational lady...we can all take a lesson♡♡♡♡

Indira said...

Nicole, the lighter covers are lovely. I am sorry that it has become harder for you. I wish you great fulfillment in your other artistic endeavors.