Hi Everyone!
Happy Paint Party Friday. This is where artists from around the world get together to share what they have been creating. It is not always easy to put your art out for the entire world to see. I love visiting each and everyone of these artists, they have talent that comes from the soul and no matter what level we are on we do have something to say in our art. So if you have stopped by here leave a comment then click on The link to see the other art for this week.
A huge thanks to Eva and Kristen for hosting the best Party.
I am also posting this to another fun and busy challenge. 29 Faces hosted by Martha of Ayala Art. Each day you must create a new face for the month of Feb. I am so proud of myself that I have made some sort of face everyday. As I said before they may not all be good but I stayed up to pace. Check out all the fab faces here
Now for the art. I have had to stay in bed most of the day. Going through some medical issues that, well have me down. I go in tomorrow morning for yet another CT scan. So if you have an extra prayer or some healing energy please send it my way.
Being in bed all day I had extra time to draw. When I take my time I can create a bit better. I love this guy. My daughter said he reflects my pain and situation. LOL
Thank you for stopping by I appreciate every comment.
Here he is normal. LOL
Here he is in fish eye focus and black and white.
Honor and integrity
in art, in life.
Lovely faces, hope you feel better soon, hugs Valerie
Interesting faces, sending that prayer your way Nicole, all the best.
Get well soon my friend!! Now get up and paint a happy charming face and see your pain melt way !!
Sending love and healing light! Love this wonderful face, excellent expression!
Hugs Giggles
He looks quite normal in both pictures, greatly drawn.
I send you a healing thought, it might be a bit chilly, since it comes all the way from Finland, but I'll do must best! Take care, Nicole.
Fun face and to take time while creating is vital for my art as well. Hope you feel better soon.
Great face...sending u positive vibes. Happy PPF
sorry to hear you're unwell. Sending you healing vibes. His expression is wonderful!
Oh poor guy and poor you. Glad that you felt able to draw, what an expressive drawing it is.
Hope you feel better soon.
What a stunning face. Well done.
Happy PPF♥
What a character he is. Love your artwork!
I'm sometimes surprised to reflect on a piece of art I may have done when not well because somehow it DOES show. Sending lots of positive thoughts and well wishes your way.
Oh, Nicole, this really does reflect pain! Love it. Sending up prayers for your healing.
his snare made me smile
Happy PPF
much love...
Hello Nicole. Of course sending you ::healing prayer and faith:: Hope all is okay for you. Love your work. Perhaps he is looking the way he does because of how you are feeling. Great job. ::hugs::
you will be in my thoughts as you have your ct scans... medical can drain your creativity so I am so heartened to see you drawing from bed... and it is awesome... please take care of you ... you are precious... and you will be happy to know I have been on a cleaning frenzy for hours and the house is looking a bit more habitable!!!
sending you a hug ! ♥ love your art work x
Love all that you draw! So sorry you are having medical issues and wish you well. EAGHL trigra.blogspot.com aka Granny Annie
Oh, I am so sorry you are hurting! :-( The face you drew torques with intensity. I do hope you feel better soon, for your sweet face should not have to torque with pain!
I pray you feel better. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Lovely faces with great expression! have a blessed weekend!
Very charakterful!
I don't know, what happened (and my English is to litte to quickly find infos in other posts, I have only looked for the faces now), will pray for you - get well soon
LoL, a funny face. Great expression.
I think your daughter is right! Very intense! I'm so happy you decided to do this challenge, I really enjoy your faces.
Oh my goodness hope you feel better soon. Very fun and interesting faces. Sending good thoughts! xo
You are amazing with your faces!! Healing prayers being sent! Much Love!
This is really great, I like the expression, well done.
well, that made me smile. I hope that face took your pain off you :)
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