Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Hi Everyone!

This is day 3 of the 29 Faces challenge. I have to admit that I didn't think I would have time to do this every day, however, it is working out better than I thought. Huge thanks to Ayala Art for hosting this fun challenge. Be sure to click the link to see who else is creating faces everyday.  Today I have a "quick paint". Took an older painted canvas with just the background, and what ever acrylics are on my pallet created this face. Hmmm not sure if it a male or female. You tell me. 
Have a great day filled with creativity.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Debi said...

Hi! thank you for visiting me! Mystery, is the best! Keeps me really looking!, nicely done! x

Ester said...

Male absolutely. Or old piratelady, don't know for sure but it's great either way :-D!

Selma said...

His expression is concerned.

Valerie-Jael said...

The face seems to be thinking deep thoughts about something, very nicely made. Hugs, Valerie

Carol said...

Seems to be male to me at least today :) Like it's pensive look.

denthe said...

It's a male imo, looking slightly worried. Love his expression.

Lisabella Russo said...

Your art has such an emotive quality! Wonderful face!

Jenn Jilks said...

What a challenge! Good for you. I love dabbling, but you are very good!
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Tracy Moore said...

Both male and female features but if I had to would say an older lady...maybe Mediterranean? Very nice 😊

Cindy Dauer said...

I would have said female, maybe because so many of us normally do females! Lovely job with the skin tones and hooray for doing the challenge!

SusuPetal said...

I like the androgyny of your painting, male or female, doesn't matter, a human being :D

Strong strokes, beautiful light on the skin.

Marilou said...

Great piece, love the eyes! Thanks for stopping by, Im trying to,keep though still sick,and enjoying the process. Hope you visit again soon! Sending Hugs Marilou

Dayna Winters said...

Lovely work! Why define if it's male or female. Just let every viewer decide and then the art is an interactive experience. :) Great job!

Magic Love Crow said...

I think female. I love her cheek bones!