Wednesday, February 10, 2016

29 Faces Day 10

Hi Everyone!

I have been very busy so this is a quick 10 minute sketch. I do set a timer and go for it. This exercise teaches me a lot on how to construct. There are a lot of mistakes but each 10 minute sketch shows me what not to do when I have time to draw.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Magic Love Crow said...

Nicole, I can't believe you do these in 10 minutes! Great face!

Marilou said...

Wow Nicole your faces are amazing and just in 10 minutes, it takes me waaay more time!
Great job, I haven't tried a male face yet:) good for you!

Valerie-Jael said...

Great face, unbelievable to get so much done in 10 Minutes. Hugs, Valerie

SusuPetal said...

10 minutes is such a short time, I'm looking in amaze at your sketches, practice makes a master!

denthe said...

Great idea to set a timer! Love the variety in your faces.

Selma said...

Life is often hectic, but good picture you drew.