Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Hi Everyone!

This has been a whirl wind of the first few weeks of  2016. I had to take some time with a lupus flare that hit me. Then my brother and his wife came for a visit. We had the best time and I hated to see them leave.  For those of you who don't know, having a lupus flare is like an alien silently comes and sucks the life right out of you, and the only thing left behind is pain, confusion, and absolutely no energy. I think that sums it up pretty well. LOL With all of  that "you" still have to carry on as much as you can. Sooooo with that said, I am behind in my Sunday writing on Liqutex mediums, I promise to get the next issue out this Sunday. I am so glad I am not a judge in my NBB contest, that has been taken care of by others. Yayyy! There is still plenty of time to join in, see the details here. The prized are pretty darn nice.  I guess that is it for now. I will be back to blogging more so see ya all later.

This was our sky last evening on the Oregon Coast. 

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Magic Love Crow said...

Nicole, you don't worry about posting on here! You just take care of yourself! That is important! We love you and will be here, when you can! Glad you had a great time with your brother and his wife! Gorgeous pictures!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I hope you are feeling better. My husband Terry has suffered with RA since the 70s. I'm pretty sure the two diseases are related. I know from his experience that you are far too hard on yourself for not doing what you THINK you should be doing. Take good care and be kind to yourself.
xx, Carol

Maya said...

oh, this sky combination of colors are impressive. Nature is so creative and you are attentive enough to notice this. :)