Thursday, December 3, 2015


Hi Everyone!

It has been such a busy week that  when I did get in my art room it was short lived. Even going to town today I was unable to create car art. Soooooo I thought I would share things from the past. Some of you may not have seen these before.
Thanking Eva and Kristen for the best party.  Looking forward to seeing all of the art this week.

Most of you know that I was/am a bead artist for 50 years. I was fortunate enough to be one of the first people published to show others how to bead. The last 5 years lupus  has played havak on my  hands so I can no longer bead. Yes I miss it so much. Thank goodness I can still paint, create with leather, do a bit of clay work, and my new love of textured sculpture.

Here  is a bit of memory lane.
Click on the photos to see them better.
This is three pieces of dicro glass glued together to create this necklace. My dear friend Lori Cook Culligan made the glass. This piece was sold shortly after I made it to an art dealer.

I also design beading patterns. This is one of my traditional patterns Tribal Butterfly.

The Red Face Lady was created with a tiny mold I sculpted. She is only 3". The leather has Swarovski crystals. 

Thi is a pretty old piece and hangs on my wall of faces. This is a 4" face completely beaded set in a gourd bowl with fabric, paint, and tiny painted gourds. I just couldn't part with this one.

This is a terrible photo but a two faced cab surrounded by beads, cabochons, and ceramic. She is set into a framed lined with Nicole's BeadBacking and variegated cording. I also kept this piece.

This is the first leather face I did that was set on a painted canvas. It was the start of my love for this style of art. I have created hundreds and feel fortunate to have sold most of them. Thanks to all who have purchased.

Does anyone remember this guy? I sculpted him from Apoxi Sculp with a gourd foundation.  He sits in my living room. 

 My Native parents taught me long ago how to hunt, skin and tan my own hides. Also how to work leather. I beaded this piece first then made the bag.

I have always love the Russian flower cabs and had to create this necklace. Sold and lives in New York.
I created this piece in 1984. I still wear this necklace.  I should take a better photo of it. I was making textured and layered flatwork (IE bead embroidery) long before it was ever popular.
 I hope you enjoyed some of my past art.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Valerie-Jael said...

Your art is always spectacular, whether beading, leather, sculpture or painting, and I love seeing a collection of your work. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

Christine said...

Beautiful creations Nicole, so sorry you cannot bead anymore.

Abigail Davidson said...

Great variety and lovely mix of art! The beading pattern colors are beautiful together.

Ayala Art said...

It is always fun to see what we have created in the past, nice work!

sirkkis said...

Gorgeous necklaces and awesome other art you present today.
Happy PPF xx

Lynn Cohen said...

What an amazing variety of art you create! Each piece is perfect in it's own right, love all the different mediums you work in. Thanks for sharing so much of this! Have a creative week.

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Oh yes, I remember your gourd sculpt guy (forget his name now) and how he jumped out of your hands when you were creating him! This was a wonderful look at your versatility as an artist! Happy Weekend!

Linda Kunsman said...

You are so talented Nicole! Your beadwork is spectacular and the masque art is so unique and wonderful. Thanks for sharing all of these and hope you get to create new art this weekend. Happy PPF!

Gillena Cox said...

luv the beaded bag

happy PPF

much love...

JillGA said...

This is so impressive! I am sorry that health issues have prevented you from continuing to create in the manner that you love most. However, I am glad that you have found other outlets that you enjoy in which to create--and most of all to share with all of the rest of us! :-)

Giggles said...

Wow so much talent here...and I remember faces in leather like that at some of the big shows in Vancouver! The purse is timeless and gorgeous. I love the whimsy of the apoxi face. Nice post!

Hugs Giggles

GlorV1 said...

Hi Nicole. Looks great. That beaded bag is awesome. All your creations are awesome. Sorry about your health problems. Happy PPF and enjoy the last month of the year.

Mary Hysong said...

Really pretty work, I love your faces; sculpture is something I want to do in the future.

Paper rainbow said...

I certainly did enjoy looking at your past pieces. How amazing. I love beaded jewellry. It has a lovely warm tactile feel. Thank you so much for sharing your treasures.

Lisabella Russo said...

Oh these are gorgeous! I really loved seeing your art in so many ways, just beautiful!

Marji said...

wow, such beautiful and interesting work.

denthe said...

Wow! These are all very unique pieces, and so beautiful! You are a very talented lady!

Beth Niquette said...

What beautiful things you create! I especially loved the red leather lady. She fills my eyes to the brim...just exquisite.

My name is Erika. said...

Your bead work is absolutely fabulous! I didn't know you were into beads before, so I am glad you shared that.

Magic Love Crow said...

Truly breath taking! Each and every piece! Really loved looking at these Nicole! Hugs :)

Indira said...

Your bead work is spectacular and so are your other artistic endeavors. Your multi-faceted artistry is awe-inspiring.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

froebelsternchen said...

Amazing pieces Nicole! Wonderful art!

BLOGitse said...

So much art for one post. Leather face on canvas is really stylish, great colors...

Irene Rafael said...

Hello Nicole! What an amazing person you are. I love going down memory lane with you. You have brought such beauty to the world. I was an avid knitter since I was 9. I made my patterns, taught many people the joys of knitting and collected yarns from around the world. Alas, I can't knit any longer but I also am grateful that I can paint! Have a lovely week.

sheila 77 said...

Great to see your older work which I have not seen before. Every piece is so original.

NatureFootstep said...

wow, this is all great. The bead work reminded me of the time I made some similar ones. And I love the red face. Gorgeous :)