Saturday, December 26, 2015


Hi Everyone!
Well the busy day of Christmas is over.  It was very quiet here, the perfect day. No rain or wind and the sun was out. Perfect! I made manicotti and fresh spinach for dinner. Yum yum. Besides that I have been working on my new website. I am VERY happy with this new program. Just a few things I had to call for assistance on, but for the most part I have not had any trouble setting it up. My domain will be the same, however the modern look and amenities will all be new.  
It should be live in a few days. 
Soooo do  you have any plans for the upcoming New Years Eve? Party? Going someplace special? I think we are staying home this year and hoping we can stay away for midnight. LOL

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Adam said...

I'll be working on New Years Eve and Day

Unknown said...

We had a quiet Christmas also and it was perfect. Can't wait to see your new site!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Oh Happy NEW YEAR!! Our winter weather is coming, even though it's still rainy here. It's hard to go out when you don't have to!!
xx, Carol

lambruch said...

Thank goodness that debacle is to a new year....happy happy to you..congratulations on the new site!♡♡♡ said...

I hope you had a cool Christmas. I have a lot of plans for this New Year. We'll have a little party with friends for this New Year and I'll hope it will be awesome.

denthe said...

Wishing you lots of creativity and happiness and health for the coming year! Stay safe, and see you at our new website :-)

Jenn Jilks said...

What fun! I hope you have a happy day, too!

Magic Love Crow said...

No plans, just having a nice meal! Happy New Year!!! Big Hugs!

PaintingWrite said...

Happy New Year Nicole. wishing you a wonderful 2016.