Hi Everyone!
Happy Friday the 13. Even with all the superstition the revolves around this day, it has always been a very lucky day for me. So with that in mind I am looking forward to see what this day will bring. How about you, does this day effect you at all?
Also I was able to take a few photos of the Florence Library art exhibit. Now it was dark and the photos are not that great but you get the idea of how many people really do show their art here. If you live in Florence, OR are near by come and see some great art and if you are so inclined please vote for me. I am Number 7.
I love that my piece is up front and center.
The ladies of the Library Art Committee do a fabulous job of placing and hanging all of the art.
Have a fantastic 13!
Honor and integrity
in art, in life.
Your piece looks wonderful there! I hope you have at great 13th. Typically Friday the 13th goes fine for me, I don't usually notice a difference...
Wow! That is so exciting. Congratulations, my friend!
Look at that! I spied your piece immediately! A library is a fantastic place for an art exhibit--tons of traffic I would imagine! Good luck--I virtual vote for you!
Your art piece looks great, well done!
Unfortunately last Friday turned to be sad and tragic but we have to be strong and not to give up to those evil souls who are killing innocent people.....
Congratulations! !! Would love to be able to actually vote but send positive energy your way♡
So happy for you! Everything looks amazing!
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