Hi Everyone!
It is a dark pouring rain day. I am not complaining because we really need the rain. This makes for a great day to do some baking and to create art. I love days like this when everything else is done and I can do just what I want. So the yeast is foaming for some yummy pizza bread, meat and potatoes in the crock pot for Mike and veggie burger meat for me. I have finished one of my table art pieces that I will show next week at PPF. I am very happy with it. I am painting the other big wall piece and should have that done as well.
Wishing everyone a happy day.
I guess you can't see the rain very well in this photo.
Honor and integrity
in art, in life.
I love rainy days too! Living in Phoenix it makes the local news when it does happen. :)
Oh I too love rainy days! You don't feel bad about not going out and can make the most of doing all you love indoors, great days! I also love the sound and colours of rain!
Oh, you ARE getting rain. I don't like rainy summer days...I want it to rain at NIGHT in the summer. But a fall rainy day does call for art, cooking and baking. I suspect I'll be seeing a few of those here in Northern Indiana pretty soon.
xx, Carol
The rain is so much needed here! I love this photograph, it really captures the wet beauty of the scene...
It is actually raining right now as I am reading this! We haven't had a good soaking rain in awhile, so we need it too.
Thank you so much my dear friend for all your lovely comments about my flowers and the exhibition. I also did see your comment/question about the avocado, and I am thrilled that it is doing so well as I have tried before with no luck also. I think in the past I gave up too soon....this one took nearly a month before I saw any evidence that it would try to grow, LOL!
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