Sunday, October 25, 2015


Hi Everyone!

I guess because we have actually had a summer the last two years here on the Oregon coast, that I am enjoying these stormy days. I woke up to three deer in my yard. Two that come quite often and now a smaller friend. It is a nice way to start my day.
Also rain, storm equals baking. LOL this helps warm up my house and hey we get muffins today.
I had picked some blackberries this summer and froze them. They make for great muffins. 
Now I am off to the art room to start a new painting. What are you doing today?
 What ever it is make it fun!
 This recipe is so easy and you can add any type of fruit. If you want the recipe email me here

 Side note. A big thanks to all of you who emailed me for the bread recipe. 


Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Valerie-Jael said...

Your muffins look great, lovely idea with fresh fruit. Hugs Valerie

kat said...

They look delicious! Rainy days and baking are a beautiful combo!

Christine said...

your muffins look wonderful!

Lisabella Russo said...

Mmm, looks delicious! How wonderful to have deer visit you!

carol l mckenna said...

I love a 'rainy day' now and then and baking used be what I used to do too ~ The muffins sound wonderful with the fresh berries you picked ~ And deer in your yard besides! Sounds like a lovely morning and providing motivation to create with paint ~

Wishing you a happy week,
artmusedog and carol

Magic Love Crow said...

3 deer, so precious! Those muffins look good!!