Saturday, October 31, 2015


Hi Everyone!

Well my three day migraine has ended. Whoaaa it was a bad one.  I should have known with head pain this bad that a big storm was coming in and it has. If it keeps up there will be no kids knocking on doors tonight. With that it is still Halloween, so wishing all of you a fun and safe and witchy knight.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Anonymous said...

N: happy howl-o-ween from us and our eager to celebrate dogs...........they have their "ghost" white outfits on and are ready for kiddos. We have had not one kid in our neighborhood since we've been here, hope you have at least a few to scare............LOL. Donna Z.

Valerie-Jael said...

Sorry you felt so bad Sweetie. Stay well, and have a great weekend, hopefully free of pain, hugs, Valerie

Lisabella Russo said...

I'm so sorry about the migraine, that's such a long time to be in pain. I hope you continue to feel better and have a Happy Halloween!

denthe said...

wow, three days of migraine .... that doesn't sound like fun! Hope you're feeling better now and able to enjoy Halloween :-)

Magic Love Crow said...

I am so sorry about your migraine!! Please get better! Happy Halloween ;o) Hugs ;o)

Magic Love Crow said...

Hey Nicole, hope you got my comments ;o) I hope you are feeling better :o)

lambruch said...

I hope you get feeling more like youself...migraines are so terrible ♡

lambruch said...

I'm so sorry. ..I hope you are feeling better

lambruch said...

I hope you get feeling more like youself...migraines are so terrible ♡

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Glad your headache is gone. Terry suffers from them and has eliminated foods that have caused them in the past. Now he's down to suffering when the rain is on the way. We had that yesterday so hopefully he'll be good today.

We had light rain so the tricksters were out, but not many. What fun we had talking to them.

Sadly, it's the day after and the count down to Thanksgiving is on!
xx, Carol