Hi Everyone!
I had so much fun at demARTS yesterday!! Rain and wind doesn't usually stop Oregon coast people from getting out and attending events and yesterday was no exception. The turn out was great. FAB (Florence Area Beaders) had a table right at the door so we had a lot of action. We all brought giveaway beads and I brought materials for a make- and- take bracelet or necklace. I was happy that we had adults and kids to join in. The highlight was my good friend Maree Beers and her partner giving us a showing of the stage production of "Chicago". Maree is also one of our FAB members.
demARTS was a great success.
I was so busy I didn't have time for many photos. But here are the few I got.
If you have a demARTS type program in your area sign up for it or take the time to visit the artists in your area. Promoting local art and artists empowers communities.
Milana, Donna, Me and Margret demARTS
Some of our locals learning and making jewelry at our FAB table.
Love that mom and son did it together.
Mark took photos all day and was kind enough to take the photo us. Thanks Mark
Maree Beers getting ready to sing for us.
This sample performance was simply amazing. Can't wait for the show next month.
Honor and integrity
in art, in life.
It's such a pleasure to see this creative group making art together. I always wish to find a group like this but I'm living in a very little village in germany and unfortunately we do not have events like this. Maybe I'll arrange such an event some time. It's a great idea. Many thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful group! It sounds like it was a fantastic event!
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