Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Hi Everyone!!

Well my month off, away from anything electronic is over. I had a wonderful time with family and friends and no PC or internet at all. But... I am back. Both my Beadwright Etsy and Beadwright website are open. Even though I have been away from blogging for some time now I am going to catch up with all of you. I have missed seeing your posts.
Have a wonderful day

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Anonymous said...

Nicole, glad you are back from your e-vacation.........LOL, I often wonder what it would be like, but then I cringe and avoid it. Hope you are restored and refreshed and maybe you have something to share with us, art maybe? Donna in Florenza OR

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Welcome back Nicole. I hope your vacation was refreshing and re-energizing!

GlorV1 said...

Hi there. Hope you are doing well. Are you enjoying FB? Have a great summer.

Magic Love Crow said...

Welcome back my friend ;o) I have to admit, I am trying to stay away from Facebook! I like blogging better ;o)