Friday, December 5, 2014


Hi Everyone!
Ohhhh thank you, thank you, thank you. I can not tell you how comforting all of your comments and emails are this morning. For my long time readers you know how close my mom and I were. So as horrible as it was yesterday I am honored to have been able to make sure my mom's wishes were carried out. Mom knew my brothers and I were there. We all made sure she heard our loving words and just before her last few breaths, with the strength of a mother's love she said, "I love you"  Very shortly after that she was on the other side dancing with my brother and sister.  I am not quite sure how to conduct my life right now. 9 AM was the first phone call of the day between mom and I and I am wondering how that is really going to effect me when I return home.
I tell my friends this a lot, having lost so many family members in the last 5 years, to be sure to tell the people around that you love them, how they matter in your life. It is important.  So to all my cyber friends near and far and to those who I see in real time. Thank you for your thoughtful and loving concern for me and my family. Thank you for the humor, and sharing, and the joy of knowing you. Our world has changed so much to this screen and key board before me, but with out it I would not have the pleasure to meet and on a limited basis know all of you. I send my love to all of you!
Sarah Tronti
April 24.1930-December 4, 2014
She was the best part of me, my best friend, my loving mentor
Life is a rainbow of color that sees us to the other side.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Valerie-Jael said...

Sorry to hear about your mom's passing. Her memory will stay with you always, you have her in your heart. Hugs, Valerie

Kokopelli said...

Beyond words, my friend. Love and hugs for you and your family.

GlorV1 said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very moment Nicole. Thank you for being such a wonderful blogger friend. I appreciate you and your heartfelt ways and I'm so saddened for your loss. Your Mom is with your brother and sister as you say. Lots of hugs to you.

Jan said...

So sorry for your loss, Nicole, but happy for you that you had such a wonderful relationship with your Mom. What remains is what's alive in you.

Marlene Brady said...

Oh Nicole, I feel for you. Hang in there sweetie.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

You are at peace with her passing. That will make the grief process very much easier for you. Just remember that she never really left you. Pay attention...she'll let you know she is watching over you.
xx, Carol

motidana said...

So sorry to know about your mother . My heart goes out to you . Sending healing prayers and comforting hugs. I am so sorry for your loss.

Magic Love Crow said...

I am so sorry Nicole! Mom and I are sending you big warm hugs! We are lighting a candle for your beautiful mom! You know she is around you, with all your other family members ;o) Mom and I wish we could do more for you! Hang in there my friend! Hugs!