Thursday, October 16, 2014


Hi Everyone!

Happy Paint Party Friday! I do not have anything new to show right now,  but I do have a piece that Mike made this week. Mike takes great photos and has an in house digital photo studio and developer. A few weeks ago on  our way to Eugene we stopped at the Mapleton post office. While I was inside Mike was taking photos of  a rose. Later when he developed and printed it off, I told him this one needs to be framed. So he made a frame and here is how it came out. The photo is exquisite with a pretty cool detail. 

So pretty
 A little closer please
Is this the coolest spider?  I love the dew drops too.

 Now for something you should all know. I posted this on my blog the other day and if you want to see the complete post click here. I just thought it was worth posting for PPF

Please take a minute to watch the video then write to any on line sites that you belong to that does not support "No Right Click"

Art Stolen being sold on Walmart on line

Thanks to Eva and Kristen for hosting Paint Party Friday. 
Please stop by to see all of the amazing art work this week.

Nicole/Beadwright Honor
and integrity in art, in life.


HeARTworks said...

So interesting as one gets closer to the rose!! So sad about art being stolen!!! :^((( patsy

Christine said...

lovely photo of the rose. Going to watch the video now.

Giggles said...

Wow how sad is that getting your art stolen, no doubt it happens all the time!... Love your rose...very beautiful!!

Hugs Giggles

Marji said...

Great photo. Interesting story about Walmart and the stolen bunny.

froebelsternchen said...

That's really sad with all this stolen art ....
wonderful rose!
Happy PPF Nicole!

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful photo, love the spider-detail! Valerie

BLOGitse said...

I know how you feel.
One news company stole my work a couple of years ago. I fought and won, they took it off.
Copyscape helped me to track (you can see the logo on my blog).

Hope you feel better already!
plus your rose is really pretty!

Annette G said...

Gorgeous photo. Will return to watch the video Nicole. Happy PPF, Annette x

Carol Rigby said...

The photo is amazing with that little spider and dew drops. Thanks for sharing the video. It is disgraceful that anyone should do such a thing I have never heard of 'no right click'. Is that something that you can apply yourself to your own images on your blogs?

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Gorgeous photography! Have a great weekend!

Karla B said...

Wonderful work! I am going to watch your video now.

Linda Kunsman said...

the framed rose is stunning Irene! Watched the video-unbelievable. And the more I hear about Walmart-the less I respect that business. Thank you for sharing an important message.

My name is Erika. said...

Fabulous rose. I love the little water droplets. The video made me think twice about a lot of posting! Shame on Walmart.

Robin said...

Beautiful flower and love the itty bitty little details! Happy PPF, Rasz #56

Faye said...

The framed rose is spectacular.

Lynn Lindley said...

What a gift your husband has to be such a great photographer AND an excellent frame maker! Beautiful rose and an excellent choice to frame it so it can be enjoyed by many.

Beth Niquette said...

Beautiful artwork. I am a sucker for dew drops--this is so lovely. I was a bit surprised at Walmart using work they do not have permission to use. Shame on them.

Unknown said...

Ive always been nervous about that stealing stuff. I should water mark things but it's hard, I actually don't know how...Bad excuse, I know. That rose is stunning and the spider is wonderful. I LOVE that piece.
Thanks for sharing! Happy Paint Party Friday :)
Tam Hess

Laila said...

That is indeed a beautiful photo, and how fun to discover that little spider as well. Pure bonus I would say.

denthe said...

Beautiful picture, and I love that little spider :-)
I've heard more stories about big chainstores selling artwork that doesn't belong to them. It is frustrating but so difficult to do something about it. I always make sure to minimize the pixels and put a watermark with my name on everything I put online, but only last week I found someone who uses one of my drawings as her profilepicture on facebook, and she had carefully removed my watermark. For me that's really showing no respect at all for the artist ....

sheila 77 said...

That's a terrific photo of the yellow rose and I love the spider. Does he know he is now internationally famous!
Thanks for the video, what an awful story. I'll be investigating the ban-right-click option. Thanks for the warning and the information.

Renee Dowling said...

Thanks for sharing the video. Unbelievable.

Bronson Hill Arts said...

So love when you get a special surprise in a photo! Nature's gifts are infinite.

Haven't watched the clip yet, but will.

Tam, even if you don't have a basic Photoshop program to watermark your work, there is an online program called Lunapic that gives you the ability to add a simple watermark (under the "Draw" tab). Just be sure to delete your works, once you've saved what you want.


Abigail Davidson said...

The rose photo is lovely! The frame complements it beautifully.

Tammie Dickerson said...

I love your photograph - and the little spider is just icing on the cake! Happy PPF!

Felicity said...

I love the last cut: it is unusual and point out the most beautiful part

thank you for sharing,

Sirkka said...

Beautiful photo with a little life in the flower.:)

Magic Love Crow said...

Stunning photo and frame! Really gorgeous!
So sad about the art being stolen! Horrible!!!
Hugs ;o)

Jenn Jilks said...

I love those orchid spiders! They are wicked!!!! They'll go after a wasp or large bee. sigh. Nature.

JKW said...

Yikes, everybody's spider is different. The flowers are beautiful. Blessings, Janet PPF