Thursday, October 2, 2014


Hi Everyone!

Yaaayyyyy I dodged the eye surgery bullet, for now anyway. I will do some eye meds and other therapies for the next month. Hopefully that will take care of this. I am so excited because the suregery just looks awful. I am one of those people that would rather have a root canal than go to the eye doctor.  I do have an excellent opthomologist, he is  a very cool guy, and hmmm pretty easy on the eyes too. Ha ha no pun intended. LOL Soooo since I have missed several weeks of Paint Party Friday I thought this would be a good celebration. Ohhh speaking of celebrations Mike and I are 33 years together. 
OMG!!!! 33 years  went by so fast.  I have lots to be happy and thankful for. 
So.... I have a few paintings that I did over the last few weeks. Some I had started and set aside. 
You know sometimes that is just needed for a piece.

Here is the one that I set aside about a month ago and finished up the other day. This actually started out with a washed background then applying some yellow paint. As the paint was going on I instantly saw the face. The face looks familiar to me. Like maybe a real person or another image. I promise this just came from my head and through my hands.

 I love the way the paint crackled.

Missing my beloved red I did this two canvas abstract that now hangs in my dinning area. 

And last in line for tonight is this 18x18" abstract. I wish I could get a better photo of it so you can see the depth of colors in this piece. Looks like flowing lava.

Wishing all of you a great weekend and a huge thanks to Kristen and Eva for hosting Paint Party Friday.
Be sure to visit all of the artist who participate. You will see some amazing art.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Congratulations on avoiding surgery, as well as your 33 year wedding anniversary! I love, love, love your serendipity portrait of Jesus. Now that is a true blessing, my friend!

Heather Foust said...

Wonderful paintings! I am so glad you did not have to have surgery! And congrats on your 33 years married!!! I am coming up on 27!! A lot of work but I love him to pieces!!

BrownPaperBunny said...

Thank goodness you dodged surgery, and on your eye no less....nothing worse. Love your paintings!

froebelsternchen said...

Gorgeous pieces - especially the crackeling is adorable as texture ! Happy PPF!

Marji said...

Beautiful! I too set aside works and let them sit a while before they get finished. Seems they need a bit of aging to come to completion. Good news about the eye surgery.

BLOGitse said...

Congrats - 33 yrs, wow!
Two abstract canvas has nice, brisk, pattern on dark base - I like them!

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely work. Glad your eyes are getting better. Eye surgery has helped me a lot, I have had 11 OPs up to date, and would be blind without them! Valerie

Giggles said...

Nicole these are wonderful!! Really beautiful! I always see faces in the paint...that's where a large majority of my characters come from!! Gorgeous work and so glad you don't have to have an operation!!
Happy ppf...good to see you back!

Hugs Giggles

Unknown said...

Hi Nicole, I hope your eye treatment goes well. Lovely abstracts, my favourite is the first one. 33 years together! Congratulations and happy anniversary!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Of course I love your art. Glad you didn't have to have eye surgery. A few years ago Terry had emergency laser surgery for a tear in his retina that was near a nerve. He couldn't do anything, even watch TV for 2 weeks. It's a hard recovery for an active person!
Be well and have a great weekend.
xx, Carol

Tracy said...

Loving that crackling! And I hope you continue to dodge the surgery.

sheila 77 said...

Hello Nicole, great news about your eyes, hope all goes well.
I really like all your abstracts here, tried hard to choose a favourite and maybe it is the second with the crackled effect (or maybe one of the others!).

My name is Erika. said...

Congrats on 33 years. That's an accomplishment. Your paintings came out great too.

Debbie said...

thank God you don't need surgery! Yah! I love your paintings this week, especially the red one!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Congrats to you and Mike on 33 years! I hope your eye continues to improve so surgery will not be necessary.

All lovely and lively paintings. The first one is absolutely amazing!

1CardCreator said...

Happy for you about the surgery, congrats on 33 years, you are blessed. Your paintings are all gorgeous, love the energy! ~Diane

denthe said...

That face is beautiful, especially with the crackles. I like the flow and colours in your art...

Anonymous said...

I am so glad!! Anything to do with the eyes is scary, I have now only vision in part of one eye and it scares me to think I may lose that but lets not think of bad stuff when we have such beautiful painting to see, amazing work, I love what you do!

Beth Niquette said...

I'm glad you've dodged the bullet this time around! I love your artwork. My favorite is the one where the paint crackled...When I look at it--it seems to hold some great mystery.

Faye said...

Lovely work, Nicole. I love the abstract as I enlarged the view to see all those fab colors. Hope the eye surgery stays at bay. Congrats on your 33 years together! Quite a milestone.

Lisabella Russo said...

I hope the other therapies work and you are permanently able to dodge the surgery bullet. Eye surgery sounds scary indeed! Beautiful paintings. I especially love the two in the middle with red. You come up with such wonderful combinations!

Neesie said...

Great news and great artwork Nicole,
I know how you feel because I've been with my husband for 35 years... I'm not sure how that can be because I'm only 19!
Congratulations once again on all accounts
Happy PPF to you

Jo said...

Lots of good "stuff" here. Love the colors in the third one the most.

Irene Rafael said...

Hi Nicole, I am so glad you were able to dodge the surgery bullet this time. Whew! And congratulations on your anniversary. 33 years is a lifetime. In March Bob and I will celebrate our 33rd anniversary. Love these paintings too. xo

Bronson Hill Arts said...

Congratulations on both the good news & your anniversary, Nicole! Love the detail of your work.


Abigail Davidson said...

Lovely collection of paintings! Happy PPF!

Leovi said...

Wonderful compositions, I love lesas paintings!

Christine said...

Besutiful work, congrats on your anniversary, and hope the eye treatment works.

Magic Love Crow said...

Yeh, no surgery ;o) Doing my happy dance ;o) Congrats on 33 years ;o) Fantastic ;o) Love your paintings Nicole! The first one really speaks to me ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

JKW said...

Great . . .no surgery. Congrats on 33 years. The paintings are great. Your creativity speaks volumes. Oh, by the way, next time I have to have a root canal. . .LOL. Blessings, Janet PPF

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Hope your eyes heal without surgery. :) Great abstracts!