Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Hi Everyone!
Yesterday I made some comfort food for myself. Yuummm all wheat and wheat bran,  muffins. I love these hearty, healthy muffins. No sugar, but sweet enough from molasses and  raisins. 
Why do I need some comfort food?

Oh if anyone wants this recipe leave a comment with your email I will send it off to you.

 Remember when my eyelid just spontaneously started to bleed?

Well a hard lump was found in the eyelid.  I am sorry to say it has grown. Soooo tomorrow I get to have an injection in my eyelid. (that gives me the creeps just thinking about it) then the cut and removal of what ever that is. I am hoping it is just a simple easy thing and nothing too serious.
 I have trouble with that eye as it is.

So because I am somewhat clean obsessive (A LOT) I am going to rearrange my art room. I have almost everything else cleaned and ready for fall. I made curtains for a few rooms, and put down a new area rug. The heaters are cleaned and ready to go as well. So the art room needs a good de-cluttering and tables moved for optimal lighten this winter. 

Wish me luck tomorrow. I really dislike going to the eye doctor. I would rather have a root canal. Seriously if I had secret information and you wanted it..... all you would have to do is come close to my eyes and I would spill it all. LOL!!!!

Have a very nice Tuesday!

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Anonymous said...

oh no, I am so sorry, I know what it feels like to be touchy about the eyes, I will send all my most positives thoughts your way, keep strong, it will be nothing but a memory soon, all over,

Anonymous said...

Nicole, ALL my best coming your way.......... of course. Donna Z

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending healing wishes!

bluefairy said...

I am sorry :( Wish You luck, and be brave!

Lisabella Russo said...

I'd want comfort food too! I hope it goes as smoothly as possible. My thoughts are with you. I loved the post with the deer, we're too deep into the city to see them here... Your beads came and are lovely! I'm glad you're also offering your paintings in your etsy shop.

Kokopelli said...

Hope it's nothing serious! Let me know how it went. Healing wishes!

Valerie-Jael said...

Hope all goes well, sorry you are suffering! Hugs, Valerie

Magic Love Crow said...

Nicole, shoot, I am so behind! I hope everything went well! Those muffins looks so good! Big Hugs xoxoxoxo