Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Hi Everyone!

I am home and had a very nice time with my mom. It is difficult to see your parents grow older. 
Well heck it is difficult to see "me" get older. LOL 
One of the things we did this time was go through old books. Most of them belong to my Nan. For those of you who don't know she was a famous artist in oil painting, was the first woman to open an art gallery and framing shop in her town, ( where my granddad made the frames) When she was young, just out of college, she traveled the world and painted under well know artist of the time. I know Alaska was one of her favorite areas and she made sure she painted with Sydney Lawrence. The others in France, England, and other countries I am not sure of. Nan lived to be 104 and painted blind for many years until her passing. 
Now you will know why that what I found in all of her art books this treasure. 
This plain red hardcover book with no dates. Pages filled with my Nan's hand writing...... all of her art notes from when she attended Washing State University. How lucky am I?

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Kokopelli said...

OMG, what a treasure!

Shai Williams said...

Oh what a find to treasure.

Anonymous said...

Nicole.........yessss........truly a tremendous treasure. I love that your nan wrote down those treasures of formulas and fave palettes..........I looked at the recipe and laughed when I saw it was for gesso. Yeppers a true artist. Hope you and your mom are both well, take care Donna Z

Craftymoose Crafts said...

What a treasure you have there! I'm sure you will enjoy reading it over and over. Glad you had a nice visit with your Mom!

Anonymous said...

what an amazing find!

GlorV1 said...

Oh that is outstanding Nicole. Treasure it always. My goodness, I can feel the vibes coming from her book. Love it! Hope you are doing well. Have a great day.

Olga Pavlova said...

I love such things!!!! Really priceless!