Thursday, August 14, 2014


Hi Everyone!
Thank you all so very much for the emails and comments for my healing. Mike has been reading them to me. I have been trying to stay off the PC as to not upset my eye. One good thing is that the black, blue and yellow are just about gone.
As most of you know this year I am learning and trying to paint abstractly. LOL is that a word? You get my meaning. I did this because I am soooooo Asymmetrical that it is scary. I figured that I could create abstract to loosen up a bit. At first it was a fight. Then, I did some reading on the history of abstract art. Many think you just stand back and throw paint on a canvas, and some people do just that. However, there is a method, a beginning a middle and an end to an abstract piece. There is opposites such as movement and stillness, objects and non object, depth and shallowness, and with all of this there is color. But there is even more..... there is EMOTION.  I know that paintings and art in general are suppose to evoke emotion but I believe that abstract can pull at every heartstring. Can fill us so that a mere stroke of a paint brush can bring a tear from what ever we are feeling. 
 I have been reading about the abstract artists of more than a century ago to present, and it is the artists of the 1940/50s that bring me home.
"Abstract Expressionism developed in America in 1940s and 1950s. The name evokes their aim which was to make abstract art that was also expressive or emotional in its effect. They were inspired by the Surrealist idea that art should come from the unconscious mind. The Abstract Expressionists were mostly based in New York City, and also became known as the New York School."
Art should come from the unconscious mind. I love that!
This paragraph was taken from the Art Republic web site and the rest of the history lesson is there

So from my unconscious mind and painting one eye'd
Skating on Ice
I will try to get to all of your posts but if I don't it is because of the eye.
Thank you to Eva and Kristen for hosting Paint Party Friday and giving all of us a place to show our art and make some good friends.
Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Karenliz Henderson said...

Nicole, love this! I love Abstract and trying it myself too. I love when something inside me just shows up on the canvas. Hope you're feeling better soon.

GlorV1 said...

Indeed it looks like someone is skating on ice. Awesome Nicole!!! Thank you very much for the lesson in abstract art as I really don't know much about it, but you have enlightened me and I appreciate it. You did a fine job there and I love that you like to experiment like you do. Have a wonderful weekend and I'm happy that you are getting better. You never told us what happened with the mri's. Hope all was okay. Take care.

Christine said...

you are so good at these abstracts, get well soon, sorry to hear about your eye.

Maria Medeiros said...

Absolutely beautiful! I totally agree with you with Abstract painting. Today i was talking to my daughter about it and she was getting so frustrated that she didn't know what to draw. I told her just make something abstract, she said abstract is for babies! LOL omg my 7 year old said that to me. I talked to her about shapes, patterns, and colours and we talked about letting that frustration she had out. It was an interesting conversation. She didn't end up making an abstract. like she's afraid of it. well, i'm going to continue to work with her and have her set her self free and use the fear she has to express it. My 2 year old though grabs her crayon and dives right in there.. without borders and lets her self go. My eldest use to be that way.... Thank you for this wonderful and powerful post. It has made me think a lot. I really love your piece. I can see that it shows a lot of emotion with the brush strokes and I also see power and i love the use of colour. really beautiful! Happy PPF! Have a beautiful week!

Valerie-Jael said...

Love what you have painted, and glad your eye is getting better. Did you get the results of the scan? Valerie

kat said...

This has energy and is a very interesting piece, I also love the name you gave it! I hope that eye gets better soon!

Kokopelli said...

It's very interesting to follow your journey into abstract art and to read about it. Hope your eye heals well. Talk to you soon and Happy PPF! I'm in this Friday with some colored zentangles. Fun!

PaintingWrite said...

I've been away from blogland for a while and didn't know about your black eye-just went back to read about it. That's awful-poor you.sending you healing love and light. X
That's a lovely part about abstract at. I guess I'm one of those people who never really 'got' abstraction as I felt I needed to see something portrayed that was recognisable-very shallow of me I guess! ! But I love the idea that at should come from the subconscious and your list had definitely made me want to open my eyes and mind to abstract art.

sheila 77 said...

I do like this experimental abstract and what a suitable title.
I enjoyed your discourse on abstract art and your whole post makes me want to zoom off and paint abstracts.

Annette G said...

love the colours and pleased to hear the bruising is going down. Happy PPF, Annette x

denthe said...

Isn't it amazing what can come from your unconscious mind? I love the saying and I agree wholeheartedly. That's what I like about intuitive painting. I love the limited colour palette from this painting. Hope your eye is healing fast!

Laura said...

Sorry to hear about you health problems at the minute Nicole. I hope you get over this phase soon. I too have been playing with a more abstract approach in my art journals recently so I totally agree with you it requires lots of commitment, instinct and emotion. More so than my watercolour paintings perhaps. This one is fab. Love the colour placement and energy. Take care.

Craftymoose Crafts said...

This is amazing! It was nice to learn a little about what an artist might be trying to achieve as I know absolutely nothing about Abstract Art. Hope your eye continues to improve. Have a great weekend!

My name is Erika. said...

Perfect title. When I read that I could see exactly what the painting was. Love it.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Beautiful! I love the bold strokes, spurts of color and movement, which evoke very strong feelings emerging in my mind. Happy PPF and blessings for a quick recovery of your eye!

Linda Kunsman said...

I didn't know you were having eye trouble-I do hope all heals completely soon. Thank you for sharing about the abstract art-I love your painting and the colors and movement!

Unknown said...

Hugs and quick healing! I LOVE LOVE "skating on ice"! Hopefully the red doesn't indicate a fall? Ha! It really moves me....thanks for sharing your work.

xo Tam
Happy Paint Party Friday!

Anonymous said...

This inspires me, I yearn to loosen up and move towards more abstract.

Hope you eyes are getting better soon!

bobbybegood1 said...

it does not surprise me that abstract art comes from the minds of surrealists. to me that makes perfect sense. your art is so beautiful. the colors of your eye - blue, yellow and black sound like art. no pun intended, but maybe (to interject some humor into situation). certainly i am not trying to minimize your medical condition. have a super duper weekend. and get well soon. cheers nicole!!

Faye said...

Nicole, your painting of Skating on Ice is very expressive. I can just feel the motion and see the ice scrapes flying up. Well done, I would never have know it was done one eye's. Hope all improves soon.

DVArtist said...

Bobby you are so funny. Yeah I should have taken a photo of my eye and incorporated in some art. LOL

JKW said...

That is a Great Abstract. . . Amazing. Blessings, Janet PPF

Tammie Dickerson said...

Wow! So cool! I love the bold color and the abstract design! So much energy in this painting :)

Unknown said...

Lovely and very expressive painting. you captured so nicely the flow and motion! Big hugs to you and lots of healing thought

Carol Rigby said...

What a great title for this piece. I didn't realize that there was so much more to abstract painting other than splodges of paint until I bought a 'how to' book on the subject. I am sorry to hear about your eye. I hope it is better soon. In light of that I send a special thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for your lovely comment. Your description of my painting warmed my heart.

Twist of Pink said...

Very nice abstract! Continue to get better.

irene said...

Hello Nicole! I have been in a little art cocoon for a while but am back blogging. I wish you the best in the healing process. You are a courageous artist and a mentor in trying something new and different. Your abstract is full of movement and emotion. Best to you. xoxo Irene

Julie said...

I really love this piece, it's very Pollock ;)

Beth Niquette said...

I love the energy of this piece. Stunning!

Abigail Davidson said...

Lovely to see more abstracts, and such a wonderful piece!

Giggles said...

Gorgeous piece love the colors and movement! A special piece to be sure!

Hugs Giggles

lorik said...

I enjoy Abstract Expressionism too. I remember when I was at school a big exhibition from the US came to Sydney and we visited as an excursion. Jackson Pollock, exciting. There was also Op and PoP art there too...what a wonderful experience..I will never forget. Our art gallery in actually bought Pollock's Blue Poles..... did that create a stir! People had very definite opinions about it. I loved it...we all went over and over again to see it. It is still there icon. Thanks for visiting my new abstract is interesting you are working with abstract expressionism and I am trying to tighten an experiment....and restrict myself - that is in Digital Art. I think my painting (which I have let lapse for a while ) is definitely emotional. I will be interested to follow your work's progression...and art is a healing process, someone said to me is actually "meditation".

Carol said...

Hoping that the eye is mending well and you are back at full steam..... once in a while I will give abstract a try just to loosen up too. It helps... you have done a great job with this piece ♥

Gillena Cox said...

heal quickly dear Nicole, i saw some of Pollacks work at the Tate gallery while on vacation in London, well i hav eto agree with Lorik , your abstract has that kind of mood

have a nice Sunday, thanks for dropping in at my blog

much love...

Deepa Gopal said...

Good to hear that you are feeling better!
Loved reading your piece...which book are you referring here? Would love to know about it.
Even I love creating abstract art esp coz I love the intuition involved.

And dear Thanks for your Super comment in my blog which made my day...'haps even the year!!!!
It's one of the greatest compliments :)

Thanks dear!

Magic Love Crow said...

My friend, I hope you continue to keep getting better! Mom and I are so concerned about you!
Your painting is amazing! Thank you for giving us some history about abstract ;o)
Big Hugs ;o)