Monday, February 3, 2014


Hi Everyone!
I started a blog post several hours ago and I hit "enter" before the post was written. So there is a title and not a thing to read. LOL.  I thought since it started to rain here I would show you some rain art. 
 Art Source

Art Source click here
 Art Source click here

Where ever you are I hope you are warm and safe

 Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Netty said...

Great pictures Nicole, have long been an admirer of Leonid's work. Annette x

irene said...

I like the rain art you selected. Rain gives the opportunity to blur the image and leave some for the imagination. Nicole, your comments on my blog mean a lot to me. I am so glad that we have met through PPF. I am fortunate and grateful to be able to spend my time creating. My studio is upstairs in what used to be my son's room. It also has fantastic light.

Valerie-Jael said...

Love your rain art. I like being out in the rain, too, the world looks different, and so much softer. Valerie

Jane Wetzel said...

holy smokes...these are so cool and I could never pic a fav...THANKS for sharing :)

Kristin said...

Oh, this is pretty! I love them all, but am especially drawn to the first. xo

PiaRom said...

Oh really enjoying pictures you collected :) Outside my window there a little drops too :) Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

GlorV1 said...

I'm familiar with Leonid's work. He is a member of Fine Art America. I see his work there all the time and he sells, sells, sells. Great pictures. I love those cinnamon rolls. How was your trip to see your Mom? Hope she is doing okay. Take care.

Magic Love Crow said...

Very cool rain art ;o) Hugs ;o)