Sunday, August 19, 2012


Hi Everyone!

I sure hope all of you had a nice weekend. OK so it isn't quite over with yet. On Thursday Mike and I drove down coast from Florence to Brookings, OR. Then cut over inland to my mom's. It was the perfect day for that. The sun was shinning most of the time. (RARE for the coast. LOL) We made a few stops and just took our time. It was great!!! Mom always has nice hot sunny summers so I was in a bit of heaven there. We did the normal things like shopping, hair cuts and some art. On Saturday we put "Games of Thrones" in the DVD player and went through boxes of old photos. Some treasures for sure. These two are dedicated to my friend Daggi waaay over there in Germany. We share the love of archery so I thought I would post these.
1988 in North Idaho.

Don't quite know what that stance is but I do remember we all ate grouse for dinner. Yum Yum
Wish I still had those baggy clothes.

 My Nan was 83 years old and still going strong. She made some pretty decent shots. My Nan passed a few years ago at the age of 104. She is still my inspiration.

Honor and Integrity in Life in Art


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

OMGosh. How much fun was THAT!! I don't think I would have the upper b ody strength to pull the bow back!
xx, Carol

Kokopelli said...

Miss Nicole, you made my day with those pics! But how on earth could you shoot with this shirt? I would have wound myself around the bowstring with that. *LOL* You and your nan look fab shooting! Thanks for sharing!

Carol, almost no strength needed, as there are bows with loooooow draw weight available. We all were beginners once!

DVArtist said...

Carol this is a traditional recurve bow and does require a bit of strength. However there are bows now that the pull is very minimal these are compound bows.
I am a traditional girl though.

Lori said...

Awesome pictures Nicole.. Especially love that Picture Of Your Nan! Glad the trip to Moms went well and you had some sunshine!!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I'm always learning something new about you! Strength, good eyesight, and a steady hand, for sure!