Monday, July 12, 2010


Hi Everyone!
Soooooo...... I know I have been away for sometime and that blogger has made some changes. Most I am not a fan of. However, yesterday I wanted to make some changes on my blog. Mainly the whole thing LOL!!! But I wanted to start with the fonts and some color changes. For the life of me I could not find the place where I use to do that!!!!!!! For you out there that are on Blogger you know there is this new design area, well I don't want to use what they offer, I want to make my own changes. Soooooooooooo does any one out there know how to get to the font and color changes??? ohhhh and if you do will you please comment and tell me how. Boo hoo hoo. I want new fonts.................. OK so it will not crush my day but change is good and my blog needs something new and fresh. :)
Everyone have the best Monday.

Honor and Integrity in Life in Art


Unknown said...

I have the same questions so I can't be of any help! Sorry I'm still a newbie


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Well, I will be looking for the answers to this question. I use a two column blogger template, but then made the post area bigger. If you end up interested in that I could find the link. I don't know much about changing fonts in Blogger though. I am computer ...well ... dumb.
Good luck

Beadcomber said...

Hi Nicole

Dashboard > Design > Template Designer > Advanced
There you will see "Page Text" and to the right of that "Font" can change all the colours for Background, headers, title etc from there.

Hope this helps,