Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Hi Everyone!

It must be the year of family illness and tragedy. Anyway it seems that way to me. I know some of you out there are going through illness of your own or a family member. 2010 will be remembered for this, I think. I just received an email from a dear and wonderful lady, Ray Davis. She is this happy go lucky lady that when she smiles the whole room lights up. Ray and her husband Jerry are the owners of Gourd Gracious gourd farm in Collinsville, MS. Every year they hold a gourd festival that looks like so much fun. No I have never been able to attend, MS is a bit out of my driving range. However, Ray always shows the best photos and I do know gourd artists who attend. The sad note is that Jerry, after a year of going to the doctor, has been diagnosed with cancer. Ray wanted us gourd people to get the word out that there will be no festival this year. In addition because of the illness no new gourd crop. She does have some gourds from last year. Please add Jerry and Ray to your prayer list. I know it works.

Happy note: Vince is doing better and as soon as the doctor takes the staples out of his stomach he will be able to go home. He will be an outpatient for speech and phys therapy. My family thought we were going to CA for a funeral and now Vince will be going home. So all the love, prayers, healing energy that all or you have sent our way really did work. It is a strange universe we live in.

It is storming here today. I mean wind, rain, hail, and OMG wind. LOL
Blessings to all of you.

Honor and Integrity in Life in Art


Unknown said...

I have had years like that and I have also put my family through some scares in the last couple of years and while sometimes we think the worst is here a ray of sun does show through. You and your family still have Vince and that is a rainbow for sure!
Always Believe

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Sorry to hear this latest news, but oh so happy to hear Vince is improving!

Hope you are feel better, too. Stay outta that weather!

Kokopelli said...

I state it clearly: this year s....! And we're only half through it. But there is always a ray of light. You see I'm still a believer!
And you can't have any wind or rain over there. It's all here!